First Thanksgiving without the Fam

Nov 23, 2007 01:48

It was Thanksgiving today (well, technically yesterday). I was looking back over old journal entries, and decided that this Thanksgiving was pretty unique.

It was the first Thanksgiving I have ever spent without my family. And none of my family had Thanksgiving together. In a way, I think that made it easier...because it wasn't like there was anything they were doing without I couldn't feel left out. Does that make sense?
I went to Lisa Marie's house (she's an instructor at school and her husband Cody is in a grad student for acting). Wendy (my adviser), Angelina (costume shop manager), Jason (TD), his wife Erin (drama/dance secretary), Michael (directing Grad student), Celina (works at the Montana Rep), and Michelle (acting grad student) were all there. It was good times, lots of sillyness, TOO MUCH FOOD, I ate about 24 cookies. We talked a lot about the program, life stories, more about theatre, gossiped, watched a deer in the front lawn, dressed LM's cats up funny, ate more, watched fireplace TV, pretended I visited Mars, ate even more, and talked. Afterward Angelina and I went to Erin and Jason's and played Hoopla for awhile. I came home around 9:30pm...a pretty long day. Talked on the phone with some friends and watched an episode of project runway4 that I'd DLed.

I ate way too much and now I have a sugar hangover. It's late again. My sleep cycles are very offfff and it's frustrating. I'm hoping to get a lot of school work done tomorrow and Saturday. Sunday we have a work call to finish up Tartuffe.

Tomorrow I want to start working out again (more regularly). It's really cold here and snowy, which is nice for a change, but not so good if you want to run outdoors. I'm not happy with where I am athletically and physically...that makes me an unhappy person in general, so I need to do something about it.

There's only 2 more weeks left in the term and then one week of exams. I don't have much going on during finals week, but I'm not leaving MT until the 14th. My head hurts so bad. I'm drinking tea and will try to go to bed by 3am.
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