Apr 03, 2006 11:38
I leave for Minneapolis in the morning and I'm not even close to being ready. There's still errands to run, clothes/shoes to buy, cigars to pick up and laundry to do. The only happiness is after 8 hours of flights and layovers I'll have time to settle in my hotel room and nap before going out to a fairly relaxing dinner. It's going to be a long week. However, afterwards I'll be back on a normal schedule - I hope.
Today has been frustrating. I had a local "obgyn" (or so he says) offer me a massage job in his office because I'm "easy on his eyes and easy on his patient's eyes", then went on for awhile attempting to take me as a client. When I declined and offered him a referral to an excellent therapist, he wanted to know what she looked like and her measurements. *rolling eyes* I finally just put him on ignore.
Then I have this winner who after attempting to engage me in conversation about fetish photography and sexual talk (even after I directed him to Steven Diet Goedde's page for examples), I get this...
freddouble4: are your massages strictly theraupuetic?
Good god. If you run into this yahoo idiots, feel free to beat up on them a bit in my honour.
I'm actually planning on begging off the partying nights and seeking refuge in my hotel suite, so I may actually be around online in the evening. Feel free to drop in and say "hi"!