Jan 01, 2008 20:11
"You have a freak flag....you just don't raise it"-Luke Wilson in Family Stone
Part of my horoscope today: "...you gotta show all the colors that make up your freak flag and not be afraid of how they may or may not clash with others."
So I guess I have to fly my freak flag...I don't remember packing one when I moved out here, but I guess I have to... it's the only way 2008 will get off to a good start. Since I last wrote I've pretty much gotten out of my "funk". The holidays weren't as bad as I thought they were, the days leading up to them were a lot tougher than the day itself. Christmas Eve was fun.. talked with Chris online for about 4 hrs, sending each other links to shows and music we knew growing up; talked with my parents, and made our traditional Christmas eve dinner, minus the homemade pieorgies... Mrs. T's had to do. Patti and I went to Christmas Eve Mass, which was very pretty, bilingual, and surprisingly short for a Christmas Eve Mass. Christmas Day I drove Patti to the airport, bracing myself for the chaos that might be LAX, but the freeways and airport were relatively stress free and without a lot of traffic. Then I came home and called the fam and took pictures (on the self timing feature) of me opening my gifts. Fun times..
I needed to start thinking up goals for work (both long and short term) and what better way to start really thinking about them is to write them down somewhere...like here! So goals for 2008 (professional and personal)
Long Term: To become a Producer (either show or features... within the sports field)
Short Term: Want to be able to travel more, get involved on a few features (helping to see what goes on from start to finish), be challenged a bit more (cutting VOs and SOTs can be challenging especially when you're under the gun, but maybe something a bit more time consuming and creative), eventually want to learn graphics (good thing to know, doubt I'll want to learn), try to use all the skills I learned in college (producing, writing, editing, shooting) to use somehow in a company that provides editors and shooters and doesn't normally rely on PAs for producing shows or writing copy.
-Learn to put myself first and not always worry about others (in the sense that you want to make others happy before yourself, not in some super egotistical way)
-Fly my freak flag, and be proud of it...Booyah LA! East Coast Girl all the way
-Stop looking for love...because when you stop looking it will come to find you
-Get a handle on finances, so I can allow myself to have fun more often and not strap myself for cash all the time.
-Live in the Present!!
-Visit home at least every 6 months or so.
-Stop freaking out when surrounded by a whole bunch of girls (that are girly girls) instead of guys
-Find a core group of people to hang out with, who will have your back at any time of the day (or night)
-Keep going to the gym
So here I go...off to the New Year. Something tells me that this is going to be a good year..2008 nice round numbers, even AND divisible by 2 and 4. (<--me being dorky) So as I shovel step around the apartment...want to wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year! Fly your freak flag high and be proud of it!