International standard paper sizes

Apr 08, 2006 18:50

ISO Paper Sizes, and why.

Some of the things you need to learn as a photographer is kind of wierd. For instance, 8×10 photo paper is most common because it’s a multiple of the 4×5 large format film, even 35mm, which sports roughly a 2:3 ratio, is the common photographic medium. Digital images are neither 4×5 or 2:3, but are usually printed on Legal size paper, 8.5 x 11, which has absolutely no bearing on anything in the photographic world, except that most people’s printers can handle a maximum width of 8.5

Still not sure what any of this has to do with the 13×19 paper which has become so popular, or the 17 inch roll paper that’s the largest size the most common pigment printers use. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that 1/2 inch margins yield a 12×18 frame, which is 2:3.

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