a Day in our Life { chapter 4 }

Dec 02, 2008 15:15

Slowly but surely, my confidence in this story is falling. >_< I got more responses when I posted on arashi_on (you know, BEFORE I knew it wasn't allowed) and now I'm reduced to jent_fanfics and arashirabu. *sigh* ANYWAY, next chapter. The expo finally starts! Time for Naomi to meet 2 of the boys and unleash her...competitive/angry side. lol. Oh, and one more thing, I'm naming the chapters now. lol.

And on a final note, I feel I should inform you that when I write stories that take place in Japan or has to do with anime or something, I use Japanese phrases...a lot. Quick breakdown of the words in this chapter (because not EVERYONE watches anime and subbed videos as often as I do)

Zettai dame - Absolutely not
Hajimemashite - Literally means 'how do you do'
Yoroshiku (onegaishimasu) - 'Yoroshiku' alone, in the context of this story means 'nice to meet you'. When onegaishimasu is added, it is very very VERY loosely translated to mean 'nice to meet you' as well, but translated literally it can mean 'please take care of me' or 'please be kind to me' or 'Your favor please'
Sensei - You FAIL if you don't know what sensei means. It means 'teacher' and refers to someone with a particular skill set (like a doctor or school teacher)

Excuse the typos that are most likely there and enjoy!

C h a p t e r   4  {Yasashikutte Sukoshi Baka}

Ohno Satoshi and Ninomiya Kazunari...

"And She's all like 'How do you get off talking to ME like that?!' Acting all high and mighty and crap."

One word to describe those two...?

"Well, you were just coming down on me like I was some insignificant being, what was I supposed to do?"


"And meanwhile, he's just standing next to you completely oblivious as to what was going on."

"I knew what was going on."

"You didn't act like it!"

All 5 of them are idiots. But next Aiba, I think they're both perfect defenitions of the word 'idiot'

"Ah, but we beat you in the end, remember?"

"You did not! SS won!"

"And so began your rivalry."

But those two...admittedly...were my first friends in Japan. And Nino...my first rival.

~ . A . M . N . O . S . ~

Let's look at the recepie for nervousness shall we? Take a building about half as big as Tokyo Dome and bring it to a boil. Add in about 100 trainees and let simmer for a good hour. Then, add in 11 girls from New York and their more or less confident leader and bake at 350. Sprinkle with one scared to death 16 year old, and there you have it.

"Where did your confidence go?" Loretta pulled at a very stubborn Naomi who was gripping to the expo building's door for dear life.

"It stayed at the resturant with my mom!" Naomi whined back, "I am NOT going in."

"Naomi Hidaka, I swear, if you don't let go of that door...!" Loretta groaned and tugged more, "Come on!"

"Zettai dame!!"


It wasn't long before Rebecca approached them, a mix of amusement and frustration on her face, "That's obviously not working, Loretta."

Loretta released the girl and let out a sigh, brushing a lock of brown hair out of her face, "Yeah, well, I give up now. You deal with her."

Loretta jogged away leaving Rebecca with her hands on her hips facing Naomi who was now sitting in front of the door in total refusal mode --  legs pulled to her chest and a full pout on her face -- Rebecca knelt down in front of her.

"Your mom showing up really got to you, huh?" Rebecca questioned.

Naomi looked up at her, then back down at her knees, "Not just her appearance. What she said too."

~ . A . M . N . O . S . ~

(Previously at the resturant)

"I always knew you'd make it in the big leagues, baby." Kisa stood up from her chair after finishing off maybe her 4th alchoholic concoction. The slight wobble in her steps as she backed away from the table made it clear that it was already affecting her.

Naomi shook her head, "I'm just in a talent agency, mom. I'm not famous."

"YET!" Kisa giggled a little. Yeah. The alchohol had her, "This expo is gonna be amazing for you, sweetheart."

"Could you stop with the nicknames please?"

Kisa giggled again and leaned down on the table. Her breath was heavy with the scent of fruit and alchohol and Naomi had to pull back a little to keep herself from gagging. Poor girl couldn't stand the smell of alchohol.

"Listen to me. This expo will be one of the greatest experiences of your life. I went to one just like it when I was younger and it completely changed my life. But, as with all life changing events, I can't promise that it'll be a completely smooth..road..."

Naomi arched an eyebrow. She hadn't worded it quite right, but Naomi got the gist of what she was saying. Naomi smild and nodded, "I got it. Thanks, mom."

Kisa smiled and wrapped her arms around Naomi in a hug, "Good luck."

~ . A . M . N . O . S . ~

Naomi let out a sigh and looked around the massive expo building. It was filled to capacity with trainees and their teachers. There was so much activity and noise that it almost made Naomi's head spin. The huge gymnasium like building was decorated with painfully bright, neon colored streamers that glowed even brighter with the glaring lights from the cieling. The hardwood floor echoed with footsteps as people dashed around. At the far side of the building was a full out DJ's booth and a tall, lanky asian man with spiked black hair and sunglasses on his face was sifting through the cds. Along with the 8 long refreshment tables, bubble machines in the corners of the room (that could NOT be safe. Who's bright idea was that?), and the walls plastered with flyers advertising the many different talent agencies, it was exhausting just looking at the place.

"You know..." Rebecca clapped her hands on Naomi's shoulders, "You should--"

"Someone's coming up to us..." Naomi mumbled.

Rebecca turned around and saw two people approaching. Intrigued, she released Naomi's shoulders and stood to her feet, then yanked Naomi up with her. Naomi stumbled a little and almost fell into Rebecca's side, but caught her balance and shook a few strands of black hair out of her face. Rebecca's eyes locked on the older man with dark hair and equally dark eyes. He had an authorative, superior air about him. No doube he was one of the angeny managers. Naomi noticed the man for more half a second before her eyes locked on the one walking beside him. He was considerably younger than the other man, looking to be no more than a year younger than Naomi. More cute than handsome, the boy had a round soft-skinned face with dark eyes and nice features. His eyes couldn't be described, really, as glimmering or shining. It was...more of a glaze. As if someone had taken some clear gel and brushed the boy's eyes. It looked as though he were in another world, zoned out from the real world. His dark brown, perfectly style dhair fell just below his cheeks and curled up slightly, creating something like a bobbed effect. Naomi's mouth stood ajar for the entire 10 seconds it took for him to approach. The way he walked. The way he looked. Even the way he shook a few locks of hair out of his face was seemingly perfect. It was almost as though he weren't even real. He looked like a china doll, a model, a...a...

"An angel..."

Rebecca arched an eyebrow, glacing down at Naomi for a moment, then at the 'angel' she was staring at. "He is cute, isn't he? But a bit young for you I think."

Naomi snapped out of the daze, "What?"

Rebecca shrugged, "But if you're into that type of thing, then by all means--"

"I am not--!"

"Hello there."

Naomi's mouth snapped shut at the sound of the older man's voice. Such a smooth, velvety voice he had.

"Hajimemashite. I'm Johnny Kitagawa. Johnny and Associates here in Tokyo" He extended a large hand towards Rebecca.

Rebecca smiled and nodded, the bowed a little and shook his hand, "Rebecca Martin. Sapphire Stone stationed in New York. Yoroshiku."

Naomi traced the underside of her lip and crossed one leg behind the other. The younger boy caught her eyes. He no longer looked zoned out, but he did look slightly...unexicted. As if he was somewhat bored. But there was still a sense of sincerity and kindness on his face that made Naomi smile slightly.

"This is one of my trainees." Rebecca clapped a hand her hands on Naomi's shoulders and pushed her forward, "Naomi Hidaka."

"Hidaka?" Johnny repeated, cocking his head to the side, "No relation to Kisa Hidaka, is there?"

"Actually, yeah." Naomi said, "Kisa Hidaka is my mom."

Johnny beamed and bowed, "Your mother is a very nice and talented woman. We've known each other for a few years now, but, surprisingly, she's never mentioned you to me. I knew she was married, but--"

"I know." Naomi held up a hand, "Not a lot of people know about me. When Mom went of on tour, the press wanted to keep me a secret so as to not mess up her image."

"I see."

Rebecca nodded a little and rubbed Naomi's shoulders vigorously, a subtle sign of sympathy to Naomi.

"Well, if I may introduce one of my own trainees." Johnny put his hand on the small of the younger boys back and pushed him forward a little, "Ohno Satoshi."

Ohno bowed to Naomi, "I'm Ohno Satoshi. I look forward to working with you during the expo. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu."

Naomi felt her stomach flutter as she bowed. Not out of attraction to the boy, but at hearing his voice. If Johnny's voice was like velvet, then Ohno's was like honey. Sweet, delicate, yet smooth and entrancing. Very unexpected of such a young boy.

"Sensei." Johnny said, extending an arm to Rebecca, "Come tell me about Sapphire Stone and let the kids get to know each other."

Naomi arched an eyebrow What are we? Their kids? He makes it sound like he's about to marry her and we 'the kids' have to meet...

Rebecca nodded, "Alright then. Naomi be nice."

Again...like we're kids...

And the two walked off, arm in arm, with Rebecca talking animatedly about the talent agency. Naomi blew out a sigh.

"Why do they actually kinda look good together...?"

Ohno looked over at the pair and shrugged a little in response.

"Ohno-chan, can I ask you something?"

Ohno turned his attention to Naomi and nodded, "Hai."

"How old are you?"


Naomi had to keep her jaw from dropping and showing how shocked she was, but her wide eyes gave it away. Ohno, however, was unaffected.

"No you're not!" Naomi protested, pointing at him, "There's no way, you look younger than me!"

Ohno merely shrugged again, "A lot of people say I don't look my age."

"That's because you don't." She lowered her hand, "You look like a 15 year old china doll."

"Or, as you said before, an angel." A smirk appeared on his face, the most drastic change in his blank expression that had been made so far.

Naomi traced the underside of her lip...yet again, "You heard that?"

Ohno simply nodded. Naomi let out a breath, then laughed to hide the embarressment, "People say I have  a way with words sometimes." She continued to laugh for a few more moments, then smiled.

Ohno's smirk faded into a smile and he let out a soft chuckle, "I see."

"Ah! Right. The Final Time." Naomi crossed her arms behind her back, "Are you--"


A boy who looked to be maybe an inch shorter than Ohno bounded up and clapped a hand on Ohno's shoulder. His eyes were almost as dark as his short black hair. Unlike Ohno's small, rounded face, this boy had a narrower face but his features were just as pretty as Ohno's.


Nino put a hand on his hip, "Need your help."


"Some cocky AMERICAN girl called me and some of the other Jr's out." Nino grumbled through gritted teeth, "I need you to help us take them down."

Ohno arched an eyebrow, "You're going to fight some girls?"

"She said that she and her friends could dance better than us. She said that just because we're boys doesn't mean we're more athletic than girls" Nino angered expression quickly switched to that of excitement, "We're gonna have a dance-off sort of thing. So I need YOU to help since you're one of the best dancers at Johnny's."

Ohno shrugged, "Alright."

"Yosh!" Nino excitedly patted Ohno's shoulder then started dragging him away, "Come on! Come on!"

"Ah-ah...wait. hang on." Ohno pulled out of Nino's grip and faced Naomi, "Gomen. I have to go help--"

Naomi shook her head, "No, it's fine. I'll find something else to do...but, can I ask...who were these girls that called you out?"

Nino pointed to the far corner of the building where a group of 8 girls stood chatting amongst themselves, "Them. They're from New York. Part of some agency called Sapphire Stone."

Naomi could have collapsed on the spot. But to avoid looking completely ridiculous, she hung her head and let out a sigh.

"What?" Nino questioned, "And who are you anyway?"

Naomi slowly lifted her head, "Naomi Hidaka. Nice to meet you. By any chance..was the girl who called you about...a little taller than me, long brown hair...?"


That was when she collapsed to the floor. Loretta...

"Why? You know her?" Nino stepped forward, "Are you one of them?"

"Yes, I am part of Sapphire Stone. That girl who called you out was my sometimes competitive best friend Loretta."

Naomi promptly got to her feet and let out an annoyed breath then, followed by an intrigued Nino and emotionless Ohno, made her way over to Loretta and the other girls.

"Loretta..." Naomi said in a warning tone as she approached, "Don't do this."

"Why?" Loretta questioned, her eyes flicking to Nino, "Just some friendly competition."

"You're gonna make a scene and Rebecca's gonna get mad!"

"This expo is supposed to be a learning experience, right?" Loretta said, crossing her arms over her chest, "Then this little showdown will give these Johnny's boys a chance to learn something." She looked over at Nino, a slight smirk on her face.

"Don't act all high and mighty!" Nino barked, coming eye to eye with Loretta (It was a quite a scene, considering the fact that Loretta was taller than Nino by a good few inches) "There's no way you'll beat us!"

"Who are YOU to act all high and mighty?!." Loretta snapped back, "Only the winners have bragging rights!"

"Then why do you think I'm bragging?"

Naomi let out a groan and covered her face, "Loretta come ON, chill out. This is so not a big deal!"

A few people had begun to gather around to watch the scene. At noticing them, Naomi stepped in front of Loretta and pushed her back.

"Listen, you--"

"How about you help your friends lose or stay out of it, Naomi?" Nino crossed his arms over his chest, "Because, right now, you're just in the way."

Naomi whipped around, a death glare on her face, "How do you get off talking to me like that?"

Nino smirked but said nothing. As every second of staring at the boy's evil, but handsome, smirk passed, Naomi felt herself grow more and more annoyed.

"Don't just sit there and smirk at me."

"I'll stop when you move or compete. One or the other."

"Fine." Naomi stepped towards Nino, meeting him eye to eye (as she was taller than him by maybe1 1/2 inches), "Fine, I'll dance. And you know what, NINO?"


"We are better than you."

~ . A . M . N . O . S . ~

And so ends this chapter. ^_^ Leave lots of comments! btw, the chapter title means Being Kind and a Little Foolish

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