Random Graphics Dump

Dec 02, 2008 12:15

and christmas is 23 days away! awesome

December is offically my favorite month. ANYWAY, My first Aiba-Month post is...a bunch of random graphics. haha. Under the cut you'll find....

[1] Friends Only Banner
[1] Nino Banner
[2] Truth PV Animations
[5] Typhoon Generation PV Animations
[1] Shukudai Animation
[2] Wallpapers (Aiba & Jun. In 3 different sizes)

[Friends Only]

(Click Me for Full Size!)


(Click Me for Full Size!)

(Since there's so many on the page, the animations are probably slower than they're supposed to be, so click the animation to see it by itself. Also, unless otherwise stated, none of these animations can be use don lj because they're to big)

Truth (Niether of these are usuable)

Typhoon Generation (#2 and #5 are usable on LJ)

Shukudai (This one's usable)

Now for the wallpapers! These were inspired by the wallpaper I made for Oh-chan's Birthday

| 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1024x768 |

| 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1024x768 |

| 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1024x768 |

I apologize for the sloppy looking post, but I hope you enjoyed the graphics anyway!

Credits ~

winkychanand arashi_yuukifor the banner scans.
PVs were found on Arashian Files
Arashi is alive came from shanghaigirl

You can use the animations where you please, but you must CREDIT ME AND LINK BACK TO MY LJ.
Don't claim anything here as your own and don't repost anywhere without my position.
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