Coming Home

Apr 22, 2012 15:39

Title: Coming Home

Author: amsthedamned

Pairing/Subject: Nakajima Yuto x OC

Rating: G

Genre: Romance, Slice of Life, Fluff Friendship

I remember when I was a kid; I used to go to a park near my house. Then, I would always run to the playground the moment I saw it even though it was still far off.
He laughs.

The reason why I couldn’t hold my excitement was because,

He smiles.

… because I was going to see her. And we were going to play, the whole day long.

He pauses for a minute, smiling.

… without a care in the world.

And the most genuine smile appears on his face.


“Ne, Yuto-kun.” She pointed up at the sky as they sat on the swings, slowly moving back and forth.

“Nani?” a seven-year-old Yuto turned his head, and looked up at the sky to where she was pointing. Yuto thought he was going to be able to see something. But alas, all he sees is a clear blue sky with feathered clouds high above.

“Why is the sky blue?” the girl asked, looking at him curious.

“Why are you asking me?” Yuto asked back.

“Answer my question, Yuto-kun.” She pouted towards him. The young boy put on a smug face and sighed, looking back up to the sky.

“I don’t know.” He replied honestly. “I always remember the sky being blue.” He said, pushing himself back a bit stronger to swing himself. The girl watched him; the creaking sound of the swing was the only sound in the park then.

“You’re wrong.” She held her chin high and started swinging as well. Yuto stopped swinging and looked at her, puzzled. What did she mean?


“The sky, is not always blue.” The girl said, going higher and higher in the air.

“Girls are stupid. The sky is always blue.” Yuto corrected her, feeling proud of himself.

“Baka.” She replied.

Yuto shot a glare at her.

“Tell me, what’s the color of the sky when it’s sunset?” she asked.

“Orange, but-“

“When it rains?”

“Gray. Will you let me-“

“And at night?”

“Black. Can I-“

“So you’re wrong.” She levered herself to stop swinging and looked at Yuto. “Just admit it.” Yuto let out a sigh. He had been beat by this girl; intelligence wise. For now.

“Fine.” He admitted defeat.

The girl smiled and stood up. “I’m always correct.” She stuck her tongue out to him.

“Where are you going?” Yuto questioned when he noticed she had stood up. Normally this meant she was about to go home. But it was still early.

“I have to go home early today.” She bowed and grabbed her small back pack, putting it on.

“Ah,” Yuto’s voice sounded sad. He had hoping they would go home late as usual. Even though he would get scolded over and over again by his mother about how late he arrived, he didn’t mind because in his mind, every single second spent with her was precious.

“Don’t worry,” she smiled handing him his back pack. “We’ll see each other someday.”

Someday? Yuto had a slight panic in his head.

“Hey, what do you-“ Yuto couldn’t finish his sentence. She had walked off already.


That was the last time I saw her. It’s been years. I heard she moved to another country. She never did say goodbye.

He frowns slightly.

She only said… that we’ll see each other someday.

He softly smiles.

And I do believe that we will see each other someday. It’s just a matter of patience of how long can you wait.

He leans back, chuckling.

And I still remember her name, after all these years.

He puts on the brightest smile he has.

Masamune Mika


For the past years, Yuto walks in the same park going home. Every single day, he walks through this park, even though it’s a longer route going home. And he would always pass by at the same time, hoping to see her return. He smiled to himself, he probably wasn’t going to see her again; yet, he had been doing this every day since she didn’t show up.

He sees the park from afar, children playing and laughing with one another. It had always been a pleasant sight to see; seeing the happy faces in the place where he had been most happy. Though every time he would pass, only children swarmed the area, with the occasional adults from time to time.

But not anymore.

A girl sat on the swings alone, gently swinging back and forth. Yuto felt something warm within him. The say she sat on the swings was familiar, and the softness of her face gave him a nagging feeling at the back of his head.

“Mika?” the name seemed to roll out of his tongue naturally; as if it was his own. She turned to him, a bright smile on her face and she stood up.
“Yuto-kun, tadaima.”

genre: fluff, genre: slice of life, type: oneshot, genre: friendship, fic: coming home, pairing: nakajimaxoc, rating: g, genre: romance

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