I wrote a play about 6 years ago, and nothing ever happened with it. I sent it around, but nothing happened. So, I chalked it up to experience and moved on.
As you read it, please keep in mind that I was 20 when I started it, and it was my first play. I didn't really know what I was doing, and it shows a bit. I re-wrote it when I was 22, and it got a bit better. But still, I don't blame anyone for not taking it.
It's basically a coming out play that centers around the relationship between a boy and his eccentric little brother and the neighbor kids. There's homophobia and threesomes and guilt-complexes and the over-usage of popular tunes.
Got a lot of freetime?
Searching For Sam.
If you are going to read it, I'd love if you commented, even if it's just to say "I'm going to read this."
Also, please don't quote from it or rec it around (like you would want to) without asking me first.
Am :)