Title: Rise Above the Moon Author: mab Podficcer: mab Fandom/Pairing Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy Cover Art Provided by: citrus_lime Length: 01:51:55 Rating: NC-17 Podficcer Notes: Pack dynamics, A/B/O fic.
Title: Mandrakes Author: frayach Podficcer: mab Fandom/Pairing Harry Potter, Albus Severus, Scorpius Cover Art Provided by: mab Length: 00:44:39 Rating: NC-17 Podficcer Notes: Those with triggers please heed warnings and read summary located on Ao3 prior to listening
Title: Close Your Eyes Author: melusinahp Podficcer: mab Fandom/Pairing Harry Potter, (Severus Snape/Harry Potter) Length: 00:46:18 Rating: NC-17 Podficcer Notes: Those with triggers, please heed warnings and read summary located on Ao3 prior to listening.