Podfic: The Devil Really Does Wear Prada

Jun 02, 2008 17:31

Story title: The Devil Really Does Wear Prada
Story author: balefully
Read by: sadcypress
Fandom: Crossover: Supernatural, The Devil Wears Prada
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Sam/OMCs implied.
Rating: NC-17
Format: *.mp3
Approximate length: To record this BEHEMOTH, I broke it into sections following the divisions balefully used when she posted. They're not proper chapters, so I didn ( Read more... )

fandom:supernatural, reader:sadcypress, small fandom:movies & tv movies

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parisindy June 2 2008, 23:54:14 UTC
gah! i want to download it but mediafire doesn't work for me
do you have it anywhere else?


sadcypress June 3 2008, 00:07:45 UTC
Yikes! Yes- I will upload it to Sendspace, if that works for you? cybel has also compiled the podbook in MIRACULOUS speed here, but I can definitely do individual mp3s for you if that wouldn't work and/or float your particular boat. :)


parisindy June 3 2008, 00:15:37 UTC
thank you thank you the pod books is great! i don't know why the other doesn't work for me anymore it used to!


sadcypress June 3 2008, 00:34:01 UTC
I wouldn't put it past ANY of the hosting websites to get in a snit and not work for random people- it's happened to me often enough! Glad there's an easy way for you to get the files- hope you enjoy! :)


parisindy June 3 2008, 01:02:52 UTC
it is weird cause its just all of a sudden

and thanks again :)


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