Story title:
The Devil Really Does Wear PradaStory author:
balefullyRead by:
sadcypressFandom: Crossover: Supernatural, The Devil Wears Prada
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Sam/OMCs implied.
Rating: NC-17
Format: *.mp3
Approximate length: To record this BEHEMOTH, I broke it into sections following the divisions
balefully used when she posted. They're not proper chapters, so I didn't make any reference to them as I recorded- just listen to them in order and we'll all live happily fabulously ever after.
Part 1: 55.07 mins
Part 2: 48.27 mins
Part 3: 58.14 mins
Part 4: 54.42 mins
Epilogue: 4.49 mins
Total: 3 hrs, 33 mins and 19 secs
Author's Summary: An AU crossover with The Devil Wears Prada. What if Sam were a little more…fabulous? Jess never died, John goes missing much later, and Dean. Well. He's in for quite a surprise.
Point value: 5 + 1 + (1 + 1 + 3) = 11
Reader's Notes: If there's ANYONE in the SPN fandom who hasn't read this fic yet, GO NOW AND DON'T TALK TO ME UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE SO. Tell
balefully that she is AMAZING (I could never have done this in a MILLION YEARS without her help- I am fashion illiterate and if I mispronounced your favorite designer, all the blame rests upon me) and then maybe come back here and snag this for your next solo road trip. ;)
Feedback is what keeps Sam's Sedu Ultrapower hairdryer running in middle America.
Download links:
Part 1 2 3 4 *** If you snagged when originally posted on 6-02-08, there was a dumb amateur mistake a complex technical error in the original Part 1 mp3 and now the podbook (6-5-08) that have now been fixed!
ETA: For those who are podbookly inclined,
cybel has clearly cut a deal with a Crossroads demon, as she has whipped up the podbook in LIGHTNING speed. She's uploaded it here: ETA2 These now have a happy home in the archive, thanks to