Beta on offer :)

Dec 31, 2009 19:53

Do you need a beta on your podfic? Do you think that if you look at or listen to your podfic one more time you'll throw your computer out the window and become a corgi-herder? Let me help!

I'm up for beta'ing podfic, any length, and any level of involvement/detail that you want. This offer is open-ended, but obviously I might not be available depending on what else's on my plate. But ask away, there's no harm in that!

Things which I prefer not to listen to:
*NC-17 podfics (I feel like a voyeur and not in a sexy way :( ), but you can always give me the time-stamps to not listen in on and I can tell you about the rest of the fic.
*Hmm, there are other things I prefer not to read for enjoyment, but my brain parses beta duty differently from pleasure reading, so I'm not sure what else to put here. So how about I say that I'll tell you if I feel uncomfortable listening to it.

cross-posted to amplificathon and
amplificathon and my journal

info:offers & requests

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