Meanings tied up in dots and lines [written by sbqr; read by Opalsong]

Feb 13, 2013 12:16

Title: Meanings tied up in dots and lines
Author: sqbr
Reader: opalsong
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairings: gen
Rating: General
Length: 21:34
Art: sqbr
Cover: opalsong
Her parents congratulated Toph on learning to read, but said that as
much as they admired her newfound ability to write they'd rather she
didn't bend "Toph Bei Fong was here" into all the decorative boulders.
Links: mp3
          Archive Link

Thanks to Paraka for hosting!!

cross posted at amplificathon, my journal, AO3, and Tumblr

reader:opalsong, fandom:avatar the last airbender, archived

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