Opalsong & Kalakirya's Teen Wolf Chat!fic and Not!fic Compilation

Feb 12, 2013 17:05

Title: Opalsong & Kalakirya's Teen Wolf Chat!fic and Not!fic Compilation
Author: opalsong & kalakirya
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairings: Stiles/Derek
Rating: Teen
Length: 59:53
Cover: opalsong
An audiobook compliation of Kalairya and Opalsong's readings of two
chat!fics twice and a not!fic about Sekrit Tattoo Stiles.
Links: audiobook
          archive link

Individual Fics Included:

Title: You Had Me At Ello-hay
Author: gyzym and amazonziti
Reader: opalsong & kalakirya
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairings: gen
Rating: General
Length: Kalakirya as gyzym: 3:11
             Opalsong as gyzym: 3:20
Cover: opalsong
Summary: "the one in which scott does not speak stiles' twin speak" - Kalakirya
Links: Kalakirya as gyzym    archive link
          Opalsong as gyzym    archive link

Title: like blood and barfights and her brother’s last goodbye
Author: gyzym and nat
Reader:opalsong & kalakirya
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairings: gen
Rating: Teen
Length: Opalsong as gyzym: 11:12
             Kalakirya as gyzym: 10:27
Cover: opalsong
"the one with rule63 derek (trigger warnings for rape, assault, sexual
assault, domestic violence, unwanted physical attention, rape culture)" -
Links: Opalsong as gyzym   archive link
          Kalakirya as gyzym    archive link

Title: Sekrit Tattoo Stiles
Author: opalsong & kalakirya
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairings: Stiles/Derek
Rating: Teen
Length: 31:42
Cover: opalsong
Summary: the one in which Stiles has ink. lots of it. and it's secret.
Links: mp3
          archive link

A larger version of the Tattoo pictures was requested.  No idea if this is big enough to help but this is my original scan of the picture: warning: terrible art found beyond

Thanks to Paraka for hosting!!

cross posted at amplificathon, my journal, AO3, and Tumblr

reader:opalsong, fandom:teen wolf, reader:kalakirya, archived

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