Podfic: Unkissed Kisses and Songs Never Sung by FemmeQuixotic

Aug 07, 2011 20:11

Title: Unkissed Kisses and Songs Never Sung
Author: femmequixotic  
Reader: takola 
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Beta and Cheerleader: fire_juggler 
Cover-art Image: femmequixotic 
Author's Rating: R
Author's Warnings: Major character injury, hurt/comfort
Author's Summary: I sit silently in the shadows, staring at the tiny, pulsing ball of light that tells me my Harry's still alive.
Length 1h 26m 41s
Link to Text: here
Links to Audio Format: mp3 | m4b

fandom:harry potter, reader:takola, archived

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