Thoughtstreams by Olivia Lupin

Jun 24, 2011 03:34

Title: Thoughtstreams
Author: lovely_slyth 
Reader: takola 
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco (Pre-Slash)
Beta and Cheerleader: fire_juggler 
Cover-art Image: Me (Still suck at it!)
Author's Rating: PG 13
Author's Warnings: None
Author's Summary: Angst. Draco-centric. "I knew, when I went to Dumbledore, that I was making a choice that would completely destroy the entire foundation upon which I’d built my life, and that my life would come tumbling down…but somehow I was thinking that all I’d have to rebuild was my life…I didn’t count on the fact that I’d have to build the new foundation, too."
Length 42m 10s
Link to Text: Here (This journal is friends-locked but you can comment to be friended)
Links to Audio Format: mp3| m4b

fandom:harry potter, reader:takola, archived

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