[Harry Potter Podfic] Savage by Marguerite_26, read by Fire Juggler

Jun 23, 2011 19:29

A little too late for Amplificathon, but no less heartfelt :)

Title: Savage
Author: marguerite-26
Reader: fire-juggler
Cheerleader, Beta, & Sanity Maintainers ladydeth12 and takola
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Author's Rating: NC-17
Author's Warnings: werewolf!fic, some violent imagery
Author's Summary: In a post-war world that lives in fear and ignorance of werewolves, Draco Malfoy has taken every step to keep his condition hidden. When the delicate balance of his life shatters in a single moment, it is Harry Potter alone standing in his defence.
Cover Art Image: fire-juggler
Length: 2h 12m
Link to Text: here
Download links: (at my Journal)

**Edited to correct links**

fandom:harry potter, reader:fire_juggler, archived

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