The 'Five Things' Meme, As Written By Caitri

May 29, 2011 23:21

 So, early this year, caitri was running a meme over at her journal, and the seven stories that resulted from it have stuck in my brain ever since - to the point where, if I'm reading a fic and the author gives one of these seven characters a different backstory than what caitri wrote, I'm like, "What? No, that's not what happened..." and then I have to go and sit down for a while. So, in an effort to not be the only one who's had her head-canon messed with, I thought I'd share these mini-fics with you!

Title: Five Things About Bones
Author: caitri 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jim Kirk/Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
Spoliers: some spoilers for the movie
Format/Length: mp3, 00:03:01

Author's Summary: "Pick a character I write, and I will give you the top five ideas/concepts/other I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to depicting them accurately."

Download link: click me!

5+1+1+(3+3)+0 = 13 points

Title: Five Things About Mal
Author: caitri 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Fandom: Firefly
Rating: PG
Pairing: Gen
Spoilers: mild spoilers for the television series, as well as the Big Damn Movie
Format/Length: mp3, 00:01:56

Author's Summary: "Pick a character I write, and I will give you the top five ideas/concepts/other I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to depicting them accurately."

Download link: click me!

5+1+1+(3+3)+0 = 13 points

Title: Five Things About Richard Castle
Author: caitri 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Fandom: Castle
Rating: PG
Pairing: Gen
Spoilers: mild spoilers for the television series
Format/Length: mp3, 00:02:05

Author's Summary: "Pick a character I write, and I will give you the top five ideas/concepts/other I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to depicting them accurately."

Download link: click me!

5+1+1+(3+3)+0 = 13 points

Title: Five Things About Willow
Author: caitri 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: PG
Pairing: Gen
Spoilers: mild spoilers for season six of BtVS
Format/Length: mp3, 00:02:12

Author's Summary: "Pick a character I write, and I will give you the top five ideas/concepts/other I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to depicting them accurately."

Download link: click me!

5+1+1+(3+3)+0 = 13 points

Title: Five Things About Simon Tam
Author: caitri 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Fandom: Firefly
Rating: PG
Pairing: Simon Tam/Kaylee Frye
Spoilers: mild spoilers for the television series, as well as the Big Damn Movie
Format/Length: mp3, 00:03:05

Author's Summary: "Pick a character I write, and I will give you the top five ideas/concepts/other I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to depicting them accurately."

Download link: click me!

5+1+1+(3+5)+0 = 15 points

Title: Five Things About Eomer ( here and here)
Author: caitri 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Rating: PG
Pairing: Eomer/Lothiriel
Spoilers: mild spoilers for the end of the saga
Format/Length: mp3, 00:05:15

Author's Summary: "Pick a character I write, and I will give you the top five ideas/concepts/other I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to depicting them accurately."

Download link: click me!

5+1+1+(3+5)+0 = 15 points

Title: Five Things About Jim Kirk
Author: caitri 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jim Kirk/Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
Spoilers: mild spoilers for the television series, as well as the movie
Format/Length: mp3, 00:03:54

Author's Summary: "Pick a character I write, and I will give you the top five ideas/concepts/other I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to depicting them accurately."

Download link: click me!

5+1+1+(3+3)+0 = 13 points

Grand Total: (13) + (13) + (13) + (13) + (15) + (15) + (13) = 95 points

fandom:castle, fandom:lord of the rings, reader:reena_jenkins, fandom:firefly/serenity, fandom:buffy/angel verse, archived, fandom:star trek reboot

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