3 Crossover Podfics

May 29, 2011 22:06

Title: Untitled by xparrot
Reader: paraka
Fandom: Numb3rs/Doctor Who
Pairing: Gen
Length: 0:01:40
Links: MP3 ||| M4B

Summary: The first day Donna temped at the physics department office, Larry suspected he'd caught her at a bad time. The second day he discovered they had irreconcilable viewpoints in time-management philosophy.

Points: 5+1+1+([3+3]+[3+3])+0 = 19

Title: Vacation Destination by krono999
Reader: paraka
Fandom: Supernatural/Highlander Crossover
Pairing: Gen
Length: 0:02:41
Links: MP3 ||| M4B

Summary: Bora Bora was very nice this time of year. Carthage, Missouri? Not so much. Especially when you're not dressed for it.

Points: 5+1+1+([1+3]+[3+3])+0 = 17

Title: Out There by jerakeen
Reader: paraka
Fandom: American Idol S8 RPF/X-Files/Doctor Who Crossover
Pairing: Adam/Kris
Length: 0:14:41
Links: MP3 ||| M4B

Summary: "They're out there," Neil tells him, pointing to his the truth is out there poster.

Points: 5+1+3+([3+3+3]+[3+3+3])+0 = 27

Total Points for this post: 63

fandom:highlander, fandom:x files, archived, fandom:supernatural, reader:paraka, fandom:numb3rs, fandom:american idol rpf, fandom:doctor who

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