Before I bore you, some stuff you might find interesting (both courtesy of the
great sci-fi blog io9):
A Genius Short Story This made me have History Squee Overload I am awfully sorry I haven't been on LJ lately (my journal history tells me over a week.) It was finals week so when I wasn't studying I was cruising the town (okay, NEVER using that word again) with my friends or attending their parties (three of my guys friends are leaving and two girls had sweet sixteens). Got results for said finals and As in everything except B+ in Physics, B in Spanish (better than the C on the midterm) and B in Earth Science (only, because she had two questions on minerals and astronomy which were what I knew the most about, darn it.) So nothing less than a B in overall grades = YAY. Except now I have to start thinking about summer homework . . .
Check to see if a Melting Pot restaurant is in your area. I assure you this is one of the best Fondue places (and my spot for hiding out during the future zombie apocalypse.) We went there for my friend CC's sixteenth (I make sure to go at least once a year) and it was fabulous. I even didn't spill a drink on Toria (a feat I'm usually incapable of accomplishing during any meal we have together.)
I watched three movies recently. The first was Toy Story 3 and OMG GUYS I CRIED SO MUCH. Yes, I am a sap, but seriously it was moving and totally awesome and great! (Personally, I think better than the second.) Pixar can do no wrong! I think the movie is more moving for elder audiences, because it has this whole nostalgia theme that wouldn't resonate as well with a younger audience. Whatever, Toria sobbed (during ther third viewing) and tears ran down my face. I am not ashamed Of course, I got lots of shit from my sister for days afterword, because she's just "so grown up" that she was invulnerable.
The other two were Sherlock Holmes (I am in love with Robert Downey Jr. for real guys) and Star Trek. Two fandoms of which I am apart of and therefore have the right to mercilessly mock. Anyways, by the time we got to any of these movies we were all so hyped up on sugar it was time to bring them down a beg with the good ol' MST3K routine. Except for CC and Jamie, who for some unknown reason think watching a movie at a party = silence. They were really annoying hitting and yelling at us for talking (albeit sometimes we were a bit loud, but not always.) What really pissed me off was that they only abused us for it. Frederick and Andrew and even hypocrite CC could do WHATEVER and no one cared. I am peeved.
I got to meet up with a couple old friends who no longer go to my school which was nice and we all played Clue (although I had to teach them.) I won once, but only, because they didn't think strategy(read lying) was possible (idiots, CHEATING IS ALWAYS AN OPTION.) I was always Colonel Mustard 'cause he is cool and ironically a "previous football star." Professor Plum looked a bit like a young Robert Downey Jr. which pleased me greatly. Has anyone seen the new versions of the game? It's weird, but I got used to it. Still like my classic and Harry Potter versions though.
I went to church for the first time (again.) The first time this year and at, unusually, one I'd gone too before. Religion is weird in my family: genetically my parents at least have one half that come from Jewish stock (my grandfather is considered to have died early, because of PTSD from his time in the holocaust) and grandmothers are catholic. So my parents were able to choose their own way and Mom is a diehard atheist. Dad, on the other hand, is agnostic and bounces around a lot, what I'd call a church hopper. He spent some time trying to find his own religion and I went along, but unfortunately with my family, if my parents aren't committed to something I can't be either since they have the car/money. Finally, he's settled back to one called All Souls a Unitarian Universalist, which basically focuses on what is similar in all religions and addresses those ideals and freedom of speech etc. are what it preaches. Thankfully, it's one of my better liked religions so I'm looking forward to beginning the Religious Studies course in the fall, but I liked the meeting today, because there's lots of singing and the Minister actually makes jokes sometimes. Today, they talked about taking God literally vs. metaphorically and that to do so metaphorically is better. I'm still digesting it/trying to understand it, but it was good/made sense when I was there.
I joined
queermail , the spotlighted community and have new friends now (a couple on my flist.) So to those added hi! Welcome, the often extremely lengthy journal of Amphitritie. I don't write, my brain dumps things onto the keyboard, so I look forward to lengthy correspondences.
Otherwise, I have been visiting my grandmother everyday. She recently left the nursing home in the Bronx after recovering from numerous strokes/falls and now lives with a live-in nurse. She's still curmudgeonly as always, but in good spirits for herself. At least her apartment is bearable to sit in. Unlike the sauna it used to be/is outside. It's incredibly dull though; she's not much of a talker. Usually I just watch Andy Griffith show marathons.
You all seen t
hat oil spill picture going around? Horrifying.
And if I need yet another reason to rudely ignore you all: I have reinstalled Sims 2 on my computer and since I have so much free time to play it (you really can't do it any other way) I've been using it to my advantage. I went on a family making spree and now have a whole town populated, mainly because I love making names. I'm excited that I might actually get third generations this time, which is really sad.
So far there is:
Alan and Adriana Croft and their three sons: Gideon, Trevor and Frasier
The Strauli Brothers: Adam and Anthony
Zhenya Ivanova and her husband Axel (who is surnameless since the last name is matrilineal) and their children Dimitry, Mikhail and Leticia
Petra and Dahlia Pollard (taken from the BF audio character, because I couldn't think of a surname)
Duncan and Adele McLeod, their daughter Calliope (yes, I did mix Scottish and Greek) and Reginald
Siblings Skye and Jericho Minuet (fandom taken names)
Michiko and Cormac Kildare
and at least two other married couples with kids that I can't remember the names of
So . . . yeah, I think that's it so far. Jesus I've taken an hour to write this!
I think this post holds current position for most tags/longest.