I'm not dead yet!

Mar 22, 2007 10:20

Busy, busy, busy, busy……….

Sadly enough I’m just managing to pull out of a really weird phase. Not quite a manic phase (at least not my normal rapid-cycling). Working on sleeping more, and sleeping naturally (you think that would have been a hint huh?).

But mostly life is good.

I’ve got a delightful Zac in my life. And a wonderful new roomie, in a cute, overly pink little condo. We have girl’s nights and watch America’s next top model. I want to spend more good social time with my friends this summer, more good conversations, more fun, etc.

Work is finally starting to turn around. The new boss seems like she’s going to really give our office the support we need to achieve. Which also pretty directly will increase both my duties and pay, which I like. ;)

Lotsa things on the burner. Lightening in a Bottle, farmer’s, local dinner nights, estrogen parties, Rocky, etc. I’m excited about it all.

As for other things….well I wish my health was better. The migraines are more under control but the abdominal pain is still around. I just wish I had answers. Its so hard to do what feels like the correct thing, without a lot of support. All the messing around with my diet, and the accompanying back and abdominal pain have also give me excuses to cut down on exercise, so I’m creeping back up to my college weight, and I’m not sure what to do about that. Because my back and sometimes my abdomen just hurt too much to do any exercise without resorting to pills. Its hard to live with the constant ache without cease.

But enough complaining, life is good. I love all my friends who are having tough goes of it right now…you know I’m here for y’all.

Also have a blatantly obvious quiz!

I feel loved when...
The Five Love Languages
My Primary Love Language is Physical Touch
My Detailed Results:Physical Touch: 11Quality Time: 8Acts of Service: 5Words of Affirmation: 5Receiving Gifts: 1About this quiz

Unhappiness in relationships is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. It can be helpful to know what language you speak and what language those around you speak.

Tag 3 people so they can find out what their love language is.

Take the Quiz!
Check out the Book

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