This coming Saturday, July 17,
hzatz's a capella ensemble,
Smorgaschord, will be performing at the
downtown Palo Alto farmer's market from 10 am to 12 noon. Smorgaschord does a variety of pop and eclectic music and they're a lot of fun to listen to. Some of the things Harold has arranged for the group are delightfully silly (others are just delightful). The market is a nice one, much smaller than the better known California Street market. There are some great all-purpose organic vendors like Full Belly Farm and Coke Farm, plus specialists like Sebastopol Berry Farms, an organic flower vendor, and a terrific mushroom vendor. The performance will be free. It will also be Rebecca and Michelle's first chance to see their dad perform in public! So if you're local and have some time this Saturday morning, come check it out!