Fact checking the VP debate. (Yeah, they were both wrong about some things)
Also, I'm really tired of work today. There is a big group gathered around my desk crowing about how awesome Sarah Palin is, and I really wish I had my iPod.
I have to say that I've liked John McCain for years--until his defeat in the 2000 Republican race seemed to destroy his spirit and turn him in to a (capital "P") Politician. After the speech in 2000 that alienated him from evangelicals (you remember it, right? where he called Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell "agents of intolerance"? God I loved him then), he (or his handlers) seemed to realize that he wasn't going to win by being himself (never mind the fact that many of us LIKED "himself"--he was Republican, yes, but he was also rather centrist). I still respect him, but I don't like him the way I did in 2000.
Sarah Palin, I won't mince words, I don't like at all. I don't know what it is about her, I just don't like her. It may be the fact that we're polar opposites on many issues...it may be that I tend to think of her as one of the popular girls in high school...but I don't trust her and I don't like her. Had McCain picked just about anyone else as his running mate (a McCain-Leibermann ticket would have made me stop and think, for example), this would've been a tough one.
I was leaning that way to begin with, but now it looks like Obama's definitely my guy.