In London now, set to fly out to Basel tomorrow... good god where to begin?!
suzvoy & had a lovely time with her yesterday...we had a picnic and roamed about London like madwomen for HOURS-- Suz is a fantastic tour guide. I definitely recommend her services ;)
SO EXHAUSTED!! LOL...we saw Big Ben, the Boudica statue, Westmister Abbey, the London Eye, St. Paul's, and probably some other stuff I'm missing yesterday under Suz's expert guidance. Today I even managed to not get us lost on the Tube (despite the Picadilly line stopping running to King's Cross and though mucking up the entire underground system) as we hit the Tower, Tower Bridge, met a friend at Waterloo Station, and then headed out to Hampton Court (Hampton Court may be my favorite thing ever. We spent half the day there and I could've roamed longer!). I think I'll enjoy relaxing on the plane & train tomorrow as we head to lovely Switzerland...