Went to the Outdoor Expo this weekend (which was disappointing, I'll admit--by "camping" they meant "RVing" *sigh*) and found the
GREATEST KAYAK EVER. It is SO AWESOME. If I wasn't going to Europe, I would totally have shelled out the $1500+ for it then and there. It has a paddle...PLUS pedals (which, really, why isn't that standard on more kayaks?!)...PLUS an optional sail. JESUS the fun I could have with this thing.
The Writers' Strike is Over! HURRAH! Come on back, Office, I've missed you :)
And there are some fun Revelation spoilers abounding at ye olde TF.N. ARGH, 16 days!!
And finally, if anyone's interested, it looks like Hillary Clinton will be at Whataburger Field on Wednesday the 13th about noon.
Roy Scheider died! :(