Nov 03, 2009 20:13
Halloween all over the place. Friday I dressed up like a farmer for work-school and worked in the infant room over the afternoon. I got to take pictures and watch all the older kids come out.
Saturday I slaved over my SIOP lesson on THANKSGIVING of all topics and really so early in the month? Public library gave me all the picture books I could ask for. Arcadia's curriculum lab was a disappointing fail, and Jodi lent me a book for me to inquire on the subject of the "real" Thanksgiving. word. That evening I drove over to wally world and picked up my 3 week precription of nice, affordable augmentin. Not Avelox, or that other L-named one each costing over 300$. No. fuck that. Dressed as my bohemian side, I traveled to the land of of big sis and went trick or treating and had supper. Dad, Ann and Livi were there too. It rained around 7 and that was perfect cause my stomach was growling. Ate a safe amount of food in lew of the expected evening activities.
Returned home, quick costume change into a different version of the same character and headed to the Ph. Ex.. all I can say is ..., what a space. I huge grand fucking warehouse with an enclosed outside lot and a couple seperated rooms. True. there should have been more furniture for all the so entirely absurdly dressed party-goes hunched over grasping their lower spines. yeah, it'll do that. I disolved my alice blots in the back closed off section of the "cuddle and fuck" mattress area. BLEGH. luckily, there was nothing I could see between long black curtains that kindly set aside this area of 4 chill and no groping mattress area by the bathroom inside. It was more the place you could just sit and relax a moment waiting for your friend to get through the 2 dozen people long line for a bathroom. No, I just surrendered myself to the porta a potty and thanked myself when I still had my travel sanitizer packed into my leather belt pouch. It was a terrible way to start anyway. But the adventure began fast. Like pounds of rose petals being heaved from a sack over you and your friend.
oh wait, that did happen. petal puddle. that's the next thing I remember. Bri didn't partake, but I sprawled in the petals and threw them with everyone and it was quite beautiful from my state of mind.
The main arena was a huge flat square. petal tent, dj tent, the maniquin leg leaning against the PEX trashcan, the various camps of performers, artists. The bangarang umbrella. Jess, Kev, Bri, and I moved onto the cushions and reveled in the feverish sensory overload. Each enhanced by the environment. She yelled it loud, and all of a sudden our number increasses by 2, 3, 5, 7, 10. Brian is handing out toys, playing with glow sticks, tying on bracelets, smiling huge because everything's a collage of melting rainbows. I'm in need of air, the crowd is getting large. Kev and I and a few others travel the floor. It's akward. Return to base camp.
Eventually, Bri's ready to stand. The rest of the evening's a blur. The best thing I can compare the event to what I've read by Tom Wolff and such on the tests started in San Francisco.
The funniest part is I didn't get there until 12 which turned out to be 11..I saw every imagineable costume emerge over the course of the evening.people on day glo bicycles, a man under a string art tee pee painted in day glo doing fire art. Dancing, smiles. strangers greeting eachother. Every person I remember meeting at a party being there. In costume of course. I did enjoy those fluffy anime animal girls.
They'd run out of water. Can we say really really unsafe occurance? I had to pay money to get tickets to purchase water. and they ran out. really really just the poorest thing that could have occured. which sucked because I enjoy events run by these artists. I was given some lovely orange juice. That worked like a charm of course. It was a good one. Not too deeply emotionally engaging. Lots of pondering, and perhaps a pensive face. But i've really never had a bad one. Intense. But manageable once the sun started to show signs of rising. After party was out of the question. I drove Bri and I home, impressively well. Though we did require a very necessary pit stop at Dunkin Donuts to pee our brains out. It was funny but incredibly sucky. More orange juice and a giant pumpkin muffin.
I didn't go to bed until 10 AM. Still feeling the effects, I dripped off into dream land for a full 7 hours of rest.
I don't want to forget that night. Because I usually stumple upon a lot of reasoning, no matter the atmosphere. Remnants of that one evening I allowed myselfto travel away still lay on the tables, drape over my dresser and rack. I've collectedthe toys, the bracelets, the glowsticks and jewelry, smiley face pens and whistles. Bri's letting me use them for my little prize basket in the classroom.
Not much else to say. A busy Monday 7:30 am interview at the cafe across the street from Tara's with an ESL teacher. K-mart for lesson materials, back to see Tara. Drive to fieldwork. Teach lesson and work with ELLs for two or so hours. Go to Landman Library. Return AU books, review notes and reflect. play Farmville..hardy har, grab a snack and head to class until 7. Home by 7:30. Really. that was draining.
Today was average : )