On continue aujourd'hui avec les recs, mais cette fois-ci des recs de fanfictions et plus exactement, mon top 3 des meilleures fics Grindelwald/Dumbledore que j'ai pu lire jusqu'à présent. Celles-ci ne sont pas classées en fonction de ma préférence, et bien-sûr j'ai d'autres fics préférées concernant ce couple, mais si je devais en choisir trois, ce serait celles-ci :
Titre :
The Trial of Albus DumbledoreAuteur.e :
Aurora_xxStatut : Terminé/Abandonné (5 chapitres)
Langue : Anglais
Genres : Gen, Angst, Canon Divergence
Persos/Couples : Grindelwald/Dumbledore, Vinda Rosier, Seraphina Piquery, Norbert et Thésée Dragonneau, etc.
Résumé : Albus Dumbledore has to attend a disciplinary hearing for withholding invaluable information about Gellert Grindelwald, deliberate misdirection and performing a blood pact with the person who currently represents the biggest threat to the wizard community. Unknowingly, he takes Veritaserum before.
Cette fic est un canon divergeance aux Animaux Fantastiques, mais il ne vous sera pas nécessaire d'être incollable concernant les films, sauf pour connaître certains personnages. L'auteure maîtrise le suspence à la perfection, l'anticipation nous prend aux tripes. On craint pour Dumbledore, on s'interroge sur l'issue de l'histoire, sur les plans de Grindelwald. J'aime la narration qui varie de Dumbledore, Grindelwald, voire même des personnages secondaires comme Vinda qu'il est intéressant de decouvrir. Les personnages sont merveilleusement écrits et fidèles à eux-même, et on espère plus que tout une réunion entre les deux anciens amants. Malheureusement, l'auteure a choisi d'abandonner sa fic au cinquième chapitre, même si le dernier chapitre laisse une fin ouverte, j'aurais voulu en lire davantage, mais cette fic reste au final une très bonne histoire Grindelwald/Dumbledore.
She leaned back in her chair, picking up her goblet again: “What is it then that you desire in a companion?”, she asked, her lips forming a secret smile behind it. He was provoked and it would hopefully made him slip.
Unfortunately, her master seemed to be not as intoxicated as she had guesses: “I am committed to the Greater Good. Distractions such as a partner do not interest me.”, he said dignified and without wavering.
Vinda didn’t give up: “In a companion for one night then.”
Grindelwald frowned and stayed quiet as he absently rolled the stem of his goblet between his fingers. When she had accepted that she might not receive a response tonight after several moments, he answered quietly: “Intelligence.” He stopped again, narrowing his eyes, “They must be intelligent.”, he repeated slowly “and skilled in the magical arts.” Something undefinable rushed over his face: “Red hair. Als ob sie aus den Flammen eines Feuers empor gestiegen wären.”, he finished before refilling the goblet.
“As if they had stepped out of the flames of a fire”, she translated in her head.
She contemplated her next words for a long time while Grindelwald stared into the depths of his wine. For the lack of anything better to say, she teased carefully: “Red hair? Like the colour of the first witches and wizards? Maybe you do have some taste after all.”
Grindelwald barked out a short laughter, the first one she had heard from him in a long time and he leaned back in his chair.
Titre :
And We Mend Our Broken WingsAuteur.e :
The_MarronStatut : Terminé (série de 5 fics)
Langue : Anglais
Genres : Gen, Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Angst
Persos/Couples : Grindelwald/Dumbledore, Severus Rogue, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, l'Ordre du Phénix, Voldemort
Résumé : Albus Dumbledore always knew how to find Gellert Grindelwald. It wasn’t even an instinct, nor was it any magical connection they shared ( although young Albus sometimes hoped it was,) but no, it was merely observation. Although exceptionally skilled at transmutation and potions, Gellert could wear any face he wanted and still, Albus would recognize him. Because Gellert could change his name, features, pattern of speech, everything. But he couldn’t get rid of his own charisma. Charisma, that usually affected young boys.
Dumbledore wants to die, Severus Snape doesn't want him to, and there is also an ex-Dark Lord trying to get his ex back. Maybe.
Bon d'accord, on va dire que je triche comme ce n'est pas une fic mais une série comprenant cinq fics, mais tant pis :P cette série est un petit bijou, et je devais en parler. Grosso modo, il s'agit d'un fix-it où Rogue dit "non" aux plans de Dumbledore et décide de le sauver en cherchant de l'aide chez une personne surprenante... l'ancien mage noir Grindelwald. Voilà donc Dumbledore pris de court dans son plan d'origine et devant faire face à son ancien ami et amant, et ce pendant la guerre avec Voldemort. Le slow-burn est parfaitement maîtrisé et fidèle à l'évolution de nos deux personnages le long de l'histoire, j'ai pris plaisir à suivre le développement de l'histoire, voir les changements que l'auteur.e allait apporter aux tomes 6 et 7, voir les péripéties de Grindelwald à Poudlard, et son implication dans la guerre contre Voldemort. J'ai aimé comment Grindelwald a été écrit, juste parce qu'il aide l'Ordre ne veut pas dire qu'il est parfait ou pardonné, c'est un homme qui a longtemps baigné dans la magie noire, il n'est pas un homme bien mais il essaye. Il aime toujours Dumbledore, mais il y a le poids du temps et des souvenirs, de l'amertume, et il y a du chemin à faire pour qu'ils se refassent mutuellement confiance et se permettent de se rapprocher. Nos personnages ont tous les deux leurs défauts, mais cette histoire leur permet de grandir et de devenir plus meilleurs.
Petit bonus :
quelques fanarts.
Before Gellert could say anything, Albus caught his hand and in a blink of an eye there were somewhere else entirely.
They crashed into a pavement at full speed and for a moment Gellert thought he had broken his arm.
He hadn't but it still hurt as hell.
He turned to his companion, Albus was looking much better than Gellert felt and seemed to be quite cheerful, in fact. They had landed in Hogsmeade and there was no imminent threat in sight.
So when they finally got up Gellert had no reason not to ask:
"Albus, what on Merlin was that?"
There were many ways to answer Gellert's questions.
It was a ball of light, a diversion and I have invented the spell myself.
It was me showing you that you are not the only one who cares.
It was me sacrificing hundreds of people I know and swore to protect just to make sure you won't die.
It was me being selfish.
It was me doing the right thing.
It was me doing the worst thing possible.
"It was me choosing you." He finally answers, and from Gellert's gaze he judges that the man understood. Gellert understood the magnitude of this statement. After all those months running away from his feelings into his plots and duties, he finally did what no hypocrite before him has ever done - he listened to his own teachings. How could he speak of the magic of love if he denied it every step of the way? How could he condemn Voldemort for not knowing love and underestimating it, and do the same every time? How could he let Gellert grow and change into a good man while he himself willingly stayed the same?
He couldn't.
Titre :
Thirty-Five OwlsAuteur.e :
LetterbladeStatut : Terminé (1 chapitre)
Langue : Anglais
Genres : Gen, Angst, Canon Compliant, Epistolaire
Persos/Couples : Grindelwald/Dumbledore
Résumé : Being a correspondence between Albus P.W.B. Dumbledore, Grand Sorcerer, Supreme Mugwump, etc., and the prisoner Gellert Grindelwald, of some decades in length.
Je ne pouvais pas faire un post sur les meilleures fics Grindeldore sans parler du classique du fandom ! Cette fic est très renommée dans le fandom, et avec raison. C'est poignant, touchant, on en ressort pas indemne. C'est merveilleusement écrit, et nos personnages sont fidèles à eux-même. Cette série de lettres se lit avec addiction, c'est doux et salé à la fois, des mots remplis de regrets, d'amertume, de souvenirs, d'amour, remplies de références littéraires, et les dernières lettres sont tout simplement dévastatrices. Un classique que je conseille encore et encore et encore, et qui ne vous laissera pas indemne.
I admit, Gellert, that I've been thinking overlong myself on our boyhood time together. It has been so long since I was so intimate with another, without fear, without withholding. You are correct again: I cannot change history. And it is difficult to deny the joy of those months spent in abandoned pleasure and ambition, when I thought that you and your brilliance would save me. But the cost, Gellert. The cost! You left me burying my sister and forever uncertain of my own decency. You left me with parts of myself I must ever hide.