Stargate Atlantis
Indelible by
shaenie (
Sheppard/McKay) INSTANT REC!!!! This story left me incoherent with glee. I LOVED the plot, the character voices, and it's long and lovely and it all fits together beautifully. I love the way technology is used and I couldn't stop reading once I started. I can't recommend this story highly enough. One of the best stories I've read this year in SGA Fandom. At this point, you should already be at her website reading. :)
author-shaenie Sheppard/McKay recs-StargateAtlantis recs-instant!rec first-time length-novel)
By Example by
sahiya (
Miles/Gregor) I loved the character voices and the outsider pov.
recs-Vorkosigan Miles/Gregor future-fic author-sahiya)