SGA Big Bang goes LIVE

Aug 15, 2008 13:46

The SGA Big Bang Challenge website is up and running.

And I know I shouldn't make any complaints but I think I got used to the way the spn_j2_bigbang intergrated the artwork into the story. Right now it looks like you have to download the artwork seperately. Maybe I'm wrong I haven't had the chance to go through the stories and strip all the code from the story yet. Maybe the stories I checked were so large when I scrolled through I overlooked the images?

I can't wait to read the stories, almost all of the summaries caught my attention.

Just wish they didn't use the three column website layout on every single story. I'm such a formatting snob it's just not even funny anymore. I think my patience for website designs is at -1000% Especially, now that I'm converting so many stories over to RTF to add to my Sony PRS-505.

Also, in other random news. I've been monitoring the Ebook Archive site stats and it seems like this week no one has been visiting. :( I'm thinking maybe everyone that owns a book reader is on vacation or the intial interest has tappered off so only people who actually use the site are coming. It also could be I haven't been able to add a lot of new stories this last week and a half because I was on vacation myself and I never seem to add stories on weekends.

I'm not going ot read too much into this. E-ink ebook readers are still relatively new and rather expensive so it may take awhile before more fan fiction readers glomp onto the technology.

edited: I figured out not long after I posted this that apparently there are different skins for the site, but on IE7 they don't really show up. Not sure why that is.

fandom:archive, prs-505

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