Prague, sketchy trains, Budapest and back in Berlin

Sep 23, 2005 00:00

I spent a few days in Prague with my fiend Patrik who´s slovakian but lives in Prague now, he took me everywhere, cooked food for me, gave me pins, stickers, posters, you name it. I had a really good time.
Prague looks very different from the Prague i remembered 5 years ago, you can smell capitalism right now, the city has changed a lot and it´s full of tourists, that was very annoying.
There´s an info shop and we met some of Patrik´s anarchist friends, but seems like the squat scene is pretty much dead after socialism, it´s kinda sad.

After Prague we went to Budapest, we took a train and at the very first moment the ticket controller saw us she was smiling, i didn´t understand why but well, she told us to be very careful with our passports, money and valuables, i thougth, ok, this is gonna be sketchy.
The train ride was mellow most of the time, we had a cabin to ourselves and we could stretch and lay down in all the seats. We were very fucking tired and i thought, well, this was not sketchy at all and i fell asleep. I dunno how but when i was sleeping, i felt a shadow over my head and don´t ask me why but i knew that it wasn´t Jamie, so i opened my eyes to discover some hungarian sketch ball an inch from my face and trying to register my bag which was hext to head! So i yelled and i grabbed his arm and started checking my bag to see if something was missing, Jamie woke up and there was another dude outside of the cabin, scary weird shit! They looked very confused and they said they were just controlling the tickets and the other dude said he wanted a cigarette, and i said yeah right, where is your fucking uniform, you think i´m stupid? but nothing was missing in my bag and the guys left. But we made it into Budapest safely and this just another anecdote to tell.

Wow...Budapest, i felt like i was in many castles and weird architecture, Budapest is big and really fucking pretty with lush gardens, tons of bridges and pretty cool street art, i loved it. It was brief but i´m really glad i went, Budapest is the cheapest place i´ve been in europe but people are very cold.

So i´m here, back in Berlin, hanging out with my mexican buddies and on my way to Hamburg and Copenhagen.
My last days in europe, i feel kinda sad.
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