The Balkans

Sep 22, 2005 23:50

When i think about europe i usually think about rich ass "developed countries" with people who are white as milk and i forget about eastern europe.
I never thought about going to Croatia or Serbia or Slovenia or Macedonia, well, maybe Macedonia.
Eastern europe, specially the balkans are pretty fucking interesting, Macedonia and Serbia look worst than Mexico, there are lots of gypsies on the road and the landscape is awesome, i just wished i had more time to explore those countries and that i didn´t need a fucking visa to Bulgaria, oh well, next time.
The bulgarian kids that i met at the no border camp were the nicest people ever, completely different from fucking spaniards or dutch. They felt almost like my mexican friends.
I wanna come back to europe, i thought i´ll be sick of it after this trip but now i wanna come back, specially to visit those countries.
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