so many high points on this last leg.

Jun 13, 2010 01:40

Leaving Ottawa today. (Yep, I got in Friday and I'm leaving Sunday. 24 hours of travel in 72. Whoo.)

Good trip. People at the (small and well-organized) conference were very friendly and responsive, and though I had not read the work ANYONE presented on, I felt bad that I had to duck out before the last two panels because I wanted to spend more time with them. If even a couple of people at the pop culture conference(s) are as down-to-earth, I think I'll have the time of my life -- because I'll understand the papers, as well.

My cousin's been great, too, showing me around and taking me out. I've gone to two films and saw a lot of downtown Ottawa, and we had some good fajitas and gelato tonight. I also got the chance to pick up the second Southern Vampire Mysteries book and Twilight and Philosophy, which I'll need to read for the next round of conferences, and Naamah's Kiss, which I probably shouldn't have bought as I need to buy and read a bunch of material for the workshops in France, but there you are.

I'm beginning to feel the stress lift. Conferences are done until October, and next time around I'll be writing on things I like to people within my field of interest, and much less anxious about air travel. I still have to edit a book and write some new material before France, and then read several books and write fifteen or so pages after, but with the minimal work hours I get, that's not so much. Certainly not after the hellish workload of this year.

...I swear, looking back on this past year (I mean, from September). I'm surprised I haven't vomited any organs out of sheer anxiety. And I know, I complain a lot, but a lot of things have been (unlike my choice of education) rather out of my control.

But I do feel better lately. I think Philadelphia was a bit of a catalyst. Just having my routine change, even if it was for work, started to shift the weight. I think the biggest lesson I need to learn out of all of this is to give myself some TIME -- so I've decided now that I will not pick up any new projects in July or August. My physical/mental health has suffered a ridiculous extent, and I need the time to recover.

And I have to stop thinking I'm a wimp because some people get more done than I do. (And I have to stop obsessing over how they do it. Do they not cook and/or eat? Do they not sleep? Do they not spend an hour with their significant other? Do they not ever call their parents? etc.)

It's time to start making peace with being me. GO.
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