still alive.

Apr 05, 2010 17:59

So I'm still alive. Will be catching up to everyone soon. How have you been?

My conference presentation went well. My body goes all anxious on me in front of crowds but (as long as it's not something like playing my songs) I feel internally confident. It's awkward, but in this case worked out.

Now I want to do more conferences. One in particular is my goal: an upcoming pop culture conference in Minneapolis including Twilight and Harry Potter panels. And they have a sci-fi fantasy chair so really I could do a paper on anything I love/hate. HOW AWESOME IS THIS.

(Also conferences look good on grant and other graduate school applications.)

Other than that, well. I've been too busy to live. Saw a friend from out of town on Good Friday at a barbecue, which was nice. But mostly I've just been writing assignments and watching the occasional Angel with Jay. And planning life months and years in advance. As usual.

Now to do some readings and make some tacos.
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