Title: Runaways (Part 29)
Words: 100
Challenge: Babylon 5 (legacies)
Rating: G
Characers/Pairings: Snape/Hermione
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
Previous Installments:
1 - 5 |
6 - 10 |
11 - 18 |
19 - 24 |
25 - 28 Hermione and Severus Apparated to just outside the front door to his house.
The street his house was on with was like the house itself: old and creepy. Hermione wrapped her arms around herself, wishing she had more than just the robes they had summoned before coming. She waited for Severus to enter the home and beckon her to follow him with a wave of his hand before entering for the first time.
The room reminded her of him. It was cold, and sparsely furnished, yet it had a dark comfort to it, drawing her inside with the dark legacies.
Title: Runaways (Part 30)
Words: 100
Challenge: potions
Rating: G
Characers/Pairings: Snape/Hermione
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
Severus didn't talk at first; he left her, uncomfortable, in the living room to go upstairs. Hermione took the moments alone to look around the room. There were no pictures on the walls, but there were vials and potion ingredients everywhere. Scattered throughout the few surfaces of the room, books were piled on top of each other.
She had never imagined his home would like this. It made her sad to know he lived like this. She wished she could make it more like a home instead of a workspace.
He came back downstairs carrying more books. "Now we start."
Title: Runaways (Part 31)
Words: 100
Challenge: all dialogue
Rating: G
Characers/Pairings: Snape/Hermione
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
"We start what exactly?"
"We can't stay here."
"I know that. This is the first place they will look. Goodness knows they will look for me… and you."
"Despite the fact you are of age, Lupin will be here soon."
"If not him, then Harry and Ron."
"We won't be here though."
"Where will we be?"
"I'm not sure yet."
"Severus, what aren't you tell me?"
"I'm a hated man, Hermione."
"Sure you are…"
"No, Hermione. I am a hunted man. There are many people who still want me dead."
"That's ridiculous! You're a hero!"
"People still want me dead."
Title: Runaways (Part 32)
Words: 100
Challenge: HBP canon
Rating: G
Characers/Pairings: Snape/Hermione
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
Hermione looked at Severus deeply. She fought the urge to hold him, to try to comfort him. The haunted and pained look in his eyes nearly killed her. It wasn't right that he was forced to live as a pariah.
"What wants you dead, Severus?"
"Many people. Old Death Eaters, people who can't forgive me for killing Dumbledore--"
"Dumbledore told you to! He wouldn't allow you to break the Unbreakable Vow!"
"I would have… if he had allowed me. Death would have been a blessing compared to living with this…"
He trailed off, unable to really finish his thought.
Title: Runaways (Part 33)
Words: 100
Challenge: all dialogue
Rating: G
Characers/Pairings: Snape/Hermione
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: Comments are more than welcome!
"Who are you running from Severus? Who are we running from?"
"Don't lie to me. Not now, please. You were running long before tonight when Lupin caught you with me."
"Hermione, you can go back tonight still. Explain I seduced you and kidnapped you. They wouldn't blame you as long as you come back tonight."
"Hermione be reasonable."
"I am. I'm here because I want to be. I'm staying with you."
"It's dangerous with me."
"Everything is dangerous, Severus."
"I'm dangerous."
"No you're not."
"Severus, I'm staying. Now tell me: who is trying to kill you?"