Love Everyday

Apr 13, 2006 18:03

It’s wrong to generalize and say that everyone that writes in an online journal is weird. It may be true that some people that write in online journals are weird, but not all of them. It’s just like everything else. If I go workout at the gym or run out on Bayshore, some of them are going to be weird and others are not, simple as that. :sigh:

I can say that I’m mature. I’ve been told many times before by adults that I’m mature for my age-I’ve gotten that my entire life. I have some family friends that say it’s sad that my parents made me grow up so fast, but I think I have to disagree with them-not completely. My parents took me everywhere they went when I was younger. None of their friends or co-workers ever complained about me because I was so well-behaved. So, early on in my life I began establishing relationships with people much older than me. Of course when it came time to go to school I had my little girlfriends and boyfriends, but I could always accompany the older crowd as well. Adults always took a liking to me and for some reason that made me feel accomplished. One time two of my friends came over-sisters-one was my age, the other one was six years older. The one my age wanted to see something of mine, and I would not have it, I thought she wouldn’t handle what I had with care, and when the older sister asked if she could see it, I said sure-willingly! Haha, I was terrible. Well, anyway the girl my age and I spent a TON of time together while I lived in Panama. Throughout elementary school I would go to her house after school and we would play from the moment I got off of the bus (I did ALL of my homework on the bus) until dinner time, and then some. Her mother would always get on her about doing her homework-she used to get home way before I did, but she used to nap. Anyway, my whole point about us playing is that we used to play for hours upon hours with kids of all ages, so I would say I was lucky enough to have that. I don’t think there are too many people that can say they grew up that way-free to do whatever they wanted as a child.

So, I really dislike being told that I don’t have a good past with relationships. You almost don’t even need two hands to count how many people I have been with intimately. When I say intimately I mean just about anything, including making out. I am by no means a make-out whore-to me that is an intimate act. Most people are so casual about that sort of thing, and I’m not. My THIRDTOLASTLETTEROFTHEALPHABET wants to know “why” I made “him” wait “so long”. I don’t know if he just doesn’t get it, but even if the boys from my past were not my “boyfriend” they still had to wait JUST AS LONG, if not longer. I still remember them, and I don’t know how they would ever forget me. It sounds odd for me to call myself difficult, but that’s just what I’ve been told from a number of people. You don’t ever really forget people the people that peaked your interest, right? Then call me unforgettable.

I am so hard on myself as it is. It’s extremely hard to hear from someone you love that you’re forever flawed and not good enough to return/share loving feelings.

A good old friend contacted me today. She's a smart cookie :)

Actually a lot of old friends have contacted me, all my age, and all grown up-couples/families.
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