Title: Wonderful World
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Rating: PG
Word count: 5392
Warnings: None, unless probable tears is a warning.
Spoilers: Slight 2.06/2.16
Disclaimer: Not mine. Damn.
Summary: Kurt was used to feeling like he was missing something, like there was something he just couldn't quite remember. After all, a good eight months of his life had
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Yes, Kurt remembering. It was a big debate in my head. I think the story would have been just as powerful, (or even more powerful)to cut the last scene all together, but in the end my need for Kurt to remember out weighed my need for Blaine to Love postaccident!Kurt as a separate identity from the boy he loved before.
and if you shed a tear here...if you haven't read ithilien22's story do over yet, you totally should. you will cry. I bawled. for days after words. hence this fic.
Yes, it could have been even more powerful maybe, but I'm glad you did it this way :)
I have read ithilien22's story.. I didn't cry reading that one though, but I think why I cried reading this one was because of her fic. Like, having read that and feeling so upset for Blaine and then having this and Kurt finally remembering! It was just so moving and made me so happy for Blaine (and Kurt!).
I'm glad that I was able to give an ending that moved you... wow. what a complement!
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