With you being the resident Ben Folder in this here parts, are the EPs worth getting through his website (actually attackedbyplastic)? I downloaded THE BENS when it came out a couple years ago (but have since lost the mp3s) so I know that it is good, but are SUPER D, SUNNY 16, and SPEED GRAPHIC worthy of the disc they are pressed on? I have an urge to get them all, in between my recent need to purchase all things DURAN DURAN.
I have yet to purchase or listen to Songs For Silverman. I was so pissed they there seeming was no standard CD edition for it that I erased it from my memory until recently. I might actually do that deal on his website. Songs for Silverman Deluxe (no demon Dualdisc) and Songs for Goldfish. And speaking of which, have you heard any from that album? Oh I don't know.
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