The TL;DR point of this is that Astrid and I took the angst factor in our RP up to eleven and Scott and Jackson are really frustrating emotionally compromised boys.
so like, you are completely freaking right in thinking that things between Scott and Jackson are going to just deteriorate more and more after the championship game, and honestly… Jackson is going to be totally confused by the thing here? because it's not like he's going to go out of his way to lord it over Scott that ha ha look at this Isaac likes him more than you? he might not actually do the thing at all, because… he's jealous of Scott a lot and he has a lot of things that he just full on dislikes about Scott.
a lot of which are grounded in the jealousy thing anyway because Scott is so pretty and he just makes people love him by breathing and smiling and breaking out the puppy eyes at them and he has all kinds of talents that Jackson doesn't have and what's so great about him that makes everybody love him and care about *his* wellbeing and whether or not *he's* in trouble psychologically, he has so many people who care about him and thinks the sun shines out his ass just because he's so *cute* and he's so *nice* and he doesn't even *appreciate* this or else he'd freaking try harder to do the bare minimum to take care of himself and stop exhausting everyone else by making them fuss over him…
do you have ANY FREAKING IDEA how lucky you are to have people who care about you like that, Scott? because really, based on your fucking conduct about the issue and how fucking pissy and stupid you get about fighting back and giving people headaches and being a petulant little shit to Isaac and Lydia and Allison and Danny and Heather and *Stiles* when they express some kind of concern for your wellbeing? Jackson doesn't think you understand how lucky you are here. at all. like, seriously you know, you have so many friends who genuinely like spending time with you and genuinely care about you and would be genuinely upset about it if you died, SOUNDS LIKE A REAL HARDSHIP MCCALL.
but you lie by omission to your therapist and you lie by omission to Isaac and you even lie by omission to *your mom and Stiles* and you do *nothing* to take care of yourself and you don't even GET IT, do you? you have *so many people* who'd care if anything happened to you and who do *so freaking much* to try to convince you that you DO deserve to feel good about yourself but you still run around calling yourself useless and meaningless and treating yourself like you don't matter and you don't appreciate the first thing that anyone does for you because you're still so bone deep level fucking convinced that you're trash that you don't even hear them or try to listen like you're just entitled to fucking have any fucking person who cares about you and they're just going to be there forever and some of us would fucking KILL to have just one person who did for them any of the shit that people do for you, you unbelievable fucking IDIOT. >|
and then there's Jackson's thing where he really wholeheartedly believes that there is no possible way that Scott can be as good a person as he seems to be or acts like for everyone else. like… the, "Scott doesn't appreciate any of the things that he has or any of the people in his life or anything that they do for him and he's so stupid and perfect and everyone loves him when he doesn't deserve it and he's stupid and pretty and I hate him for existing and not appreciating anyone who tries to help him (but especially Danny, Isaac, and Lydia because they're like the only three people Jackson really cares about)" thing doesn't actually… Jackson doesn't consider it proof that Scott isn't as good a person as he acts like for everyone just because Jackson isn't stupid enough to think for a second that there's not SOME way to turn that around and make it into some reason to feel bad for Scott. like obviously enough people feel bad enough for Scott that they just tolerate this bullshit from him so maybe there's something here that Jackson doesn't know about it that makes it less bad or whatever.
but he's just convinced that there has to be a telltale heart under Scott's floorboards or a dead body entombed in his wall or some kind of dirty little secret that would prove once and for all that Scott's not the cute sunshiny little golden boy that he has everyone duped into thinking he is.
(Scott just wants to chime in here to say that… he hasn't even DONE anything to make people think this about him and he seriously didn't do anything to incite this intentionally and he wishes that people DIDN'T think this about him because trying to be the Scott McCall who everybody thinks he is all the time is freaking killing him, does Jackson have ANY IDEA how it feels to have so many people thinking that you're perfect for no reason and does he have ANY IDEA how it feels to have so many people telling you things like, "you inspire me" and, "you make me want to be a better person" and making you feel like you're NOT ALLOWED to slip up EVER or just be a PERSON because if you do then they're going to be crushed? does Jackson have any freaking idea how it feels to know that there are huge parts of yourself that you're never going to be allowed to share with people, even the people who care about you, because if you did and you shared those parts and you were open about these things with people then people would completely lose any good esteem that they have for you and you can't have that happen because their good opinions of you are all you have? :\
and well, no, McCall, Jackson doesn't know anything about any of that, but hey does *Scott* have any idea how it feels for everyone to decide that you might as well not even be a person with any feelings because you're rich and you just try to be really honest with people when you think that they suck? because that happened to Jackson before *second grade*. before he found out he was adopted and even got to be that much of a jerk. does *Scott* have any idea how it feels for everyone to tell your best friend that he deserves better than hanging around with someone like you and asking if he has self-esteem problems and feels obligated to really put up with you *while you are sitting right there*.
does *Scott* have any idea how it feels to have people tell you that you don't have a right to feel upset about never knowing your birth parents or the way your parents lied to you about it and only told you about you being adopted because of a fucking class project, and you don't even have a right to have your feelings about it at all and you shouldn't talk to anyone about them ever because you're rich and you're *popular* and that means your feelings shouldn't *exist*. does *Scott* have any idea what it's like to put in so much fucking effort and to try so hard at *everything* and to try to better yourself and be good at the things you genuinely care about and it *doesn't even make a fucking difference* because everyone's already decided that you're the fucking Devil and that you just don't even deserve to have anyone who cares about you in the first place because you're the worst?
so how about you shut the *hell* up to *Jackson Whittemore* of all the fucking people about how hard it is on you that other people have certain big expectations of you, a good half of which you just wholesale made up in your wormy little brain because you're so full on committed to hating yourself and you refuse to just put on your big boy pants and admit that you're assuming that people hate you based on the fact that *you* hate you and inventing all kinds of ridiculous fucking expectations that you can't live up to based on *fucking nothing* except for the fact that boo hoo your daddy didn't *want* you. you still have a mom who loves you *so much* and you have friends who care about you and your best friend would fucking die for you and you get to have sex AND friendship with Isaac Lahey when he doesn't make friends with hardly anyone who isn't Erica and you can't just keep taking your goddamn fucking daddy issues out on the rest of the world and obsessing over getting some abusive absentee FBI agent asshole to be proud of you. so sit down and shut up because Jackson isn't done ripping you a cornucopia of new ones yet, *Pretty Boy*. >|)
so… yeah. Jackson has his jealousy of Scott, and he has his anger toward Scott, and he has his conviction that Scott is secretly the actual worst… but he wouldn't actually, like, lord anything over Scott after the championship game? and stuff will definitely get worse between the two of them but honestly, the problem here is Scott. The problem here is that Scott is going to be shaped like himself and not think about things fully before he goes and does them and act out because the fundamental problem with his non-coping strategies is that… he's NOT coping and he's attempting to wholesale deny the existence and reality of his emotions (because he used to hear about how he shouldn't feel this or shouldn't express that all the time from Blobfish but Scott feels everything so freaking intensely and he's a really expressive person in general and he has at best variable control over his emotions because he CAN repress them, kind of but… it's complicated because Scott repressing his emotions is kind of a mixed bag and it involves a lot of wormy little layers and fiddly bits.
because, like. Scott can and does repress his emotions most of the time he's not very convincing about this and he's really lying to himself more than everyone else because everyone else gets that he is feeling the stuff and no matter how much he says that his emotions don't exist, he still feels them in that, "you're always going to lose The Game because trying not to think about The Game means you're more likely to think about it" kind of way and applying that same logic to feels with Scotty is just like… he's Blobfish-ing himself and he's telling himself that his own emotions are wrong so Blobfish doesn't have to and of course he's fucking lashing out because he's being invalidated and shoved aside and condescended to and treated like trash.
except… he's the one doing it to himself because Blobfish is off with his new family and hasn't spoken to Scott in a while, a rather long while, and since Matt's dead in this verse, he can't even bet back into Scott's life accidentally because of Matt's trial since… there is no need for a trial because Matt is dead. so like unless there is a really good reason for it or something huge comes up or who even knows at this point, Blobfish is out of Scott's life in the entire and pretty much just staying that way indefinitely which… Scott doesn't realize this but it's honestly better for him this way because letting Blobfish back into his life has so much potential to go so badly but that's beside the point).
so yeah, like… Jackson is for once not going to be the biggest douche in the universe here? he's not going to really pick at Scott about the championship game or anything because he doesn't have a reason to do the thing. like… he and Scott don't have to like each other in order to tolerate the fact that Isaac has sex with both of them and Jackson doesn't have to be a huge dick to Scott over things right now because… sure, Isaac is spending more time with Jackson but like. If Jackson tries to kick Scott in the issues, that might change because Isaac might get pissed off at Jackson for doing the thing (and if he doesn't know about it because of Scott telling him it happened, he might hear it from Danny or Lydia).
Anyway, Jackson has *some* kind of standards of behavior and picking on Scott over Isaac maybe liking Jackson more than him when he's kind of a human disaster… yeah, Jackson doesn't feel like doing that? like. there's no point to it and it'd just make him feel like an asshole. :\
for example and by way of possibly explaining some more here in ways that aren't just about Jackson yelling at Scott about the reasons why he thinks Scott sucks… like unless Isaac disagrees about this, I don't think that Jackson really knows about the fact that the nickname, "Pretty Boy" is a thing of any significance at all? like, Isaac doesn't realize how much it means to Scott and he's not trying to hit that low and Jackson just doesn't know that it's a Thing at all, never mind a Thing that's supposed to be exclusive to Scott or that Scott cares about at all. Jackson is more likely to be like, "huffs, Isaac's been watching a lot of Criminal Minds again and thinks he's Derek Morgan or something but who cares, he called me pretty, this is a good thing because I'm gorgeous and everyone should appreciate this about me :) *swaggers a bit more about this because Jackson got his ego stroked and getting his ego stroked makes him so happy, he's like a really prissy, fluffy preening little cat or something excuse him while he swishes around everywhere like freaking he owns the place because he just won the big game and he just had hot victory sex with Isaac and Isaac called him pretty and this is like the best thing ever in the past six months or something*"
which… Jackson doesn't mean it as a way of lording anything over Scott because he doesn't have the necessary context to *know* that he is lording anything over Scott, buuuut. the problem here is Scott. specifically, the problem here is that Scott is going to be emotional and ruled by his heart more than anything else and make decisions with his heart and all of his hurt feelings first (as he does all the time in emotional scenarios like this one). and… Jackson isn't meaning to do anything that Scott's ascribing to him at all but it's coming off that way to Scott so Scott is going to be especially grouchy and cranky at Jackson and just generally pissy about him and Scott is probably going to go far enough with this that *Stiles* tells him to chill out and just lay the Hell off of Jackson already (because Stiles doesn't care about Jackson and the feelings's mutual but Scott never gets like this unless there's something else going on for him and that something is probably really shitty and hey, Scotty, Stiles wishes that you would just like, talk to him about the thing instead of denying it all and taking it out on stupid Jackson :\)
and like. the "Scott sleeping with Derek multiple times and using having sex with him as a form of glorified self-harm" thing is also complicating matters… like nominally Scott is doing it to get back at Isaac and force himself to get over Isaac since it was nice while it lasted but Isaac clearly doesn't want him around anymore never mind wanting him sexually (and well, if they're still sometimes having sex at this point, just less frequently, then Scott is going to probably twist this around into, "Isaac is clearly just giving Scott pity sex because he thinks Scott is so fragile that he couldn't handle just getting outright dumped without having a meltdown"). and well, Isaac was never going to love him anyway and Scott was stupid, so stupid, for thinking that Isaac would ever love him in the first place (because well of course Isaac was never going to love him because well why would anyone if you ask Scott like maybe Derek will say that he loves Scott but he really only loves the Manic Pixie Dream Scott he made up in his head and sooner or later, he's going to realize that he loved a figment of his imagination and that the reality of Scott is that he's a broken emotionally fucked up headcase and even Derek can do better than fucking with him).
and then there's the guilt over the thing that's plaguing Scott on top of everything else and Scott is just like… taking all of this out on himself first and foremost by being even more of a prick to himself than he usually is because this is how Scott does things. …like, regardless of whether or not we go through with Peter head-fucking Scott about his body image issues and whatnot because of a production of Equus or something where Scott is playing Alan Strang, Scott might get there and then some without Peter needing to head-fuck him about shit because Scott loses his appetite anyway when he's miserable and then that's a vicious cycle to start because the low blood sugar makes him crankier and gets him to start acting out and lashing out at people more often which makes things worse which makes Scott more miserable and then he eats even less reliably and his body starts releasing endorphins to deal with it and it feels good, and well if he just works out too much and takes on a bunch of extra extra stuff for his extracurriculars maybe he'll be too busy to feel things and then he'll be too tired to feel things and that would be ideal for Scott, he's pretty sure, because he doesn't want to feel things.
but he is also taking stuff out on Jackson in here because it's obviously Jackson's fault that this whole stupid situation is even happening… except that it's not and Scott knows that it's not and he's just lashing out at Jackson because he feels too guilty to lash out at Derek and he can't lash out at Isaac without feeling terrible about it and he's already at the event horizon for lashing out at himself so… looks like you get the short straw this time, Jackson. and now I'm just thinking that the whole situation of Isaac shoving Scott and Jackson together to hate-fuck out their problems with each other but mostly they just yell at each other about their feelings… like. it will probably have the desired effect of making them stop being so awful about each other in general but not for the reasons that Isaac was planning on?
like. it might be the case that this discussion gets resolved by Scott having like… a mid-argument dizzy spell though most likely not full on passing out and Jackson actually handling it pretty well and getting him through it and being like, "so how long has it been since you last actually ate something, McCall *begrudgingly shoves a protein bar at* …that's just to get you back to stable enough to stand up, once you're done with it, we're going to the diner because it's open all night and you need to eat something. how long has it been. :|"
"…either yesterday morning or the night before that? maybe the afternoon before that? I really don't know, I kind of stopped keeping track since… putting numbers on the thing would mean maybe there was actually a problem and Stiles, Kira, Allison, Derek, and my favorite cousins are already on my ass, trying to make it a problem just because I've lost a little weight and they don't need to be right about it being an issue. :\"
"what, a little like what… *drags eyes over and nose wrinkles* fifteen pounds?"
"…sixteen as of this morning, actually. not like it's gonna make a difference to Peter, he's still going to just… he's the worst director I've ever had and there's nothing I can do about it because he has *tenure*"
"yeah, don't blame all of this on Derek's creepy uncle, McCall, I don't buy it for a second that it's all Peter's fault. you're not eating right because you paradoxically feel better when you don't, not because Derek's creepy uncle wants you to look like one of those twinks from One Direction."
"…how did you even know? I mean. if I had a dizzy spell around someone else, they'd just be like… well obviously Scott you just don't sleep enough, obviously you're working yourself too hard, obviously obviously obviously and totally guessing the exact fucking wrong thing. :\"
"yeah, like you're the only person on this godforsaken campus who cuts his caloric intake back to nearly freaking nothing when everything goes to shit."
…so yeah like. Isaac might come back to find no trace of either of them, the condoms and lube still unopened, a protein bar wrapper on the bedspread and if he actually looks for them, they'll be sitting at the diner, sullenly poking at egg white omelets and trading notes back and forth on their extreme self-loathing issues and even worse perfectionism at a normal volume, without accusing each other of anything or making a disturbance or a spectacle of themselves and… well. uh. …sorry this didn't go as planned Isaac but hey, look, Scott and Jackson are getting along? :D