I like how I'm seriously just a flaily, overenthusiastic twenty-something with the emotional control of a six year old who:
- can't keep her side-blogs on tumblr straight;
- can't remember her ridiculous tagging systems even though they are actually fairly straightforward;
- can't remember the order of the alphabet without humming the entire song;
- sleeps with more than six stuffed animals and calls them research assistants to make it slightly less weird sounding and dress up the fact that she sleeps with more than six stuffed animals (though one of those is a Companion Cube so that's not exactly an animal I guess);
- has to count her psych meds every couple days to make sure she didn't accidentally skip a dose and forget about it;
- has lost her phone in her bra and/or her pocket with distressing regularity;
- has left her phone in the refrigerator more than once (often enough that even though this hasn't happened in a while, she still checks the fridge as one of the first places when she can't find her phone, which as luck would have it ALSO happens with distressing regularity even after investing in a bright pink case for it because this would nominally help stop that happening);
- suffers from a serious case of being emotionally attached to the semicolon as well as a tendency toward pedantry and being a vindictive little shit-stirrer with a constant need to be right (I'm actually probably more emotionally invested in the semicolon than I am in most of my extended family now that I think about it);
- and can't even remember to do the things she wants to do because other things are shiny and/or seem more important at the time…
but I've still somehow managed to convince people that they want to keep me around and eventually entrust me with teaching things to undergraduates.
I mean. I don't know how I've done this and I don't understand for a second either how I did it or why it's a thing but I guess that I like it. It's advantageous to me in a lot of ways so I suppose it can stay.