1. So, of course, after getting myself to sleep with a mantra of, "I will not diagnose myself off of WebMD and be a hypochondriac, I will not diagnose myself off of WebMD and be a hypochondriac, I will not diagnose myself off of WebMD and be a hypochondriac, I don't have mono or anything worse than a cold, I don't have mono or anything worse than a cold, I don't have mono or anything worse than a cold," I finally start feeling feverish in my doctor's office and the anxiety comes right back. Yay.
2. Here early. Yay waiting. Well. Not so much yay waiting, but I'd be waiting if I got here on time, and… I don't know, I'm not much bothered because I actually got a decent parking spot today, instead of spending 45 minutes dicking around and not getting any parking spot. I'd just rather like to get let into an exam room so I can put my head down for a while.
3. …I have no idea what I'm supposed to title my
dc_dystopia fic and it's getting frustrating. The problem is, I named the plot-tribble Elizabeth by way of properly adopting it and pledging to work on it, but… now I can't think of a title for it besides "Elizabeth." Which isn't relevant to the story at all, since… there's a character named Elizabeth (one of the kitchen witches from "Malleus Maleficarum"), yes… but she was brutally murdered in the backstory and isn't really important to anyone but Alastair.
I hate titling things. I'm sorely tempted to just listen to "El Tango De Roxanne" and pick a random lyric. Or otherwise somehow reference that song or The Police's original version. I mean. I could also play, "pick a Bible verse!" but the Bible has some pretty harsh words on the subject of prostitution, so. Possibly not the best idea. Just…
dc_dystopia fic, why can't you just title yourself as easily as, "Help Us, Sailor Misha!!" and, "How The Light Gets In" [translation:
gabriel_bigbang fics] did? I would be much obliged if you'd do that. Because this nattering around is really quite silly.
(The fact that I'm thinking of retitling, "How The Light Gets In" notwithstanding.)
4. I actually don't have a fourth complaint; I just didn't want to leave it with three. Huzzah for obsessive-compulsive silliness. ETA: apparently, I have a number four now. My phone's learned this cute new trick. It's called, "appearing to have a full battery and then randomly dying when I'm trying to text my dad." ADORABLE.