Jun 29, 2005 18:32
Hey yall lol. so. yeah. i hate to admit it but yall were all right. gaw. 3 and a half months. atleast he was a decent boyfriend/fiance lol. I do love him. It was kinda mutual. no hostility. a bit of pain. but see, i am special and i have cushioning to fall back on . woot. lol. claw man. ne ways. yeah. so. Yeah. Im single. happy. but not so. I do love him and I am going to miss him. but. He says he wants to be friends. we can do that. but we both know that if we talk to eachother about our new people that well both get a bit jealous. lol. meh. ne ways. we came to the conclusion that the good thing about staying friends is that if were both still unmarried and single by the time that were around 30.. ha ha age difference. lol. that we will get married. lol. what a pack. I only cried. for a few minutes. lol. I just called Julie and her new peoples made me happy lol. but yeah so its all good. I think i already did my bounce up from the ground. so yeah. But the good news is that I will not be permanatly moving to New York. but i am moving. I am actually seriously looking at colleges. mosty in northern Cali Oregon or UMT so yah. NOt much new other than that. oh.
Faire was fun. I showed up for the first day of home faire. I had fun. I missed everyone. woot. and I got to see the infamous theo for the first time since radcon. it was fun. and i had to take my costume bodice in like 2 and a half inches. woot for depression dieting! lol.
well theres nothing else new. .. but yeah.