random s5 SPN rewatch

Jan 16, 2011 19:54

I can't remember why I decided to do this, but I watched 5.16-5.22 over the last couple of days. Random thoughts ahoy.

Just as great as remembered:
5.16, 5.18

Way better than remembered:


Better than remembered but not stellar:

Still a mixed bag but enjoyable:

Pretty terrible with the exception of the scene with Death:

5.16-5.18 are incredibly solid on rewatch. And then things basically fall apart.

I enjoy 5.20 quite a lot though it's not perfect, and hate most of 5.21. I love just about all of 5.22 on rewatch with the exception of the confrontation at the end at Stull Cemetary, which I think I chalk up to an acting/direction problem more than a script problem. It actually reads pretty well on the page, but man, the execution? I can't help laughing in inappropriate places. That said, I kind of adore the use of the Def Leppard song now -- and it made me wince with WTF on first viewing. Now it feels entirely appropriate. I have no idea what changed my mind.

5.21 strikes me as a mess for the most part, though I do like the throughline of the humans as bacteria theme and I adore the scene with Death. I think 5.21 is probably the weakest link, nearly saved by most of 5.22. 5.21 is a weaker script, it's trying to do too much in too little time with poor pacing and structure and some of it is too obviously there to try and set up 5.22 only does so in a really unsubtle and shoddily written way.

I think they could have really saved the season if the last four episodes had been pulled off better. As it stands, 5 is probably the most deeply flawed of the seasons, despite some standout episodes that are among my favorite in the entire series and some really great themes and ideas. It's not what they wanted to accomplish or the story that is flawed, but the execution, so in many ways I'm able to forgive some dropped balls.

I think mostly it's just that the final trio of eps (5.20-5.22) suffers tremendously in comparison to the previous (5.16-5.18). It becomes a huge letdown that is almost saved by 5.22 but not quite. If only I didn't want to laugh so hard at the climax of the season finale, you know? It's this serious moment, the culmination of the entire season, and I'm wracked with hysterical giggles.

So far I think season 6 has been much stronger than season 5, but we'll see!


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