Feb 21, 2006 20:07
Joined and have been lurking for a while; here's my first post. Oh, and hi there. :)
Survey of the Non-Garden-Variety Type:
Review the list below. Choose a position and defend it, or state your own position and defend it. There are no right or wrong answers - I'm just interested in what you have to say.
People with abrasive personalities:
a) Should try to make a more positive space in society for themselves. There are good things about them that others don't get to see because of their offputting behavior, and that's really a shame.
b) Need to get over themselves and stop being assholes. Other than that, I could really care less.
c) Are what they are. I don't bother them, they don't bother me.
d) Should be allowed to be who they are. They serve as important a function in society as the happy, shiny people - life is about contrast, not assimilation.
e) Other - state and defend your own position.
Go nuts, folks.