Papers/stories/books you've read too much

Jul 12, 2004 22:25

    For cogsci, I have read these too much, or read responses to or summaries of them too much:
  • Searle's Minds, Brains, and Programs (I get so tired of reading a faulty analogy--this is the one with the Chinese Room experiment)
  • Turing's Computing Machinery and Intelligence (really, I know what the Turing test is by now)
  • Nagel's What is it like to be a bat? (and I loathe it every time)
  • Dennett's Where Am I? (and I love it every time and wish I had been at the "lecture")
  • Berlin and Kay findings (linguistic universals in color names), along with the paint chips study by somebody-or-other (I have never read the originals of either!)
  • Asimov's robot stories involving Susan Calvin (this is related because I really would love to be a robopsychologist)
  • Juster's The Phantom Tollbooth (OK, I never read it for cogsci, but I could have! Anyway I've read it 7 times so it totally belongs on this list)

What have you read too much, particularly in your field?

ask lj, cogsci

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