May 16, 2006 10:06
So yesterday I ended up at my grandparents' place for lunch and dinner, with a 3.5 hour nap in between. I started getting a nasty headache/neck pain around 11:00, and by 1:00 I decided to lie down. I think the nap meant I avoided a migraine/migrainous headache/lots o' pain. So that was good. But no butter tarts. Yet. That's today's plan.
Yesterday evening was quiet then, getting back to the house in Chesley around 8:00, doing some laundry and hanging out on MSN (which I never do) for a bit. I ended up getting to sleep around 12:30, and waking up just before 7:00 (that's what long naps do to you, really).
Today mom and I meandered to the Keady market, which is nowhere near it's full glory. It was kinda rainy and drizzly today, so there were very few vendors. Some GORGEOUS plants though. Makes me miss having a balcony/dirt. They even had some hanging strawberry baskets!
Today's plan - um... butter tarts? Eventually. Mom also wants me to help her organize her office, which is only fair if I'm going to ask her to help organize mine tomorrow. Then there's a tea room in Paisley that mom wants to take me to for lunch. My stomach is feeling up to it. Yay! There's also a really cool second hand/everything store called the "Moose Rack" downtown here that I have to hit before I head back for KW. The sad thing is the owner doesn't get much business, so they may have to close. Dad wants her to start selling stuff on the web, and I'm certain she'd have a better chance on eBay than just a regular website. The store is wonderful though - it's second hand but she only takes stuff she feels is really neat or unique somehow - and you always get a deal. If anyone is ever going to be in the area, go.
It's nice and peaceful and relaxing here. For the moment, anyway.