so here i stay. or in which cat makes things VERY clear

Jan 14, 2003 00:34

first of all i would like to say that there has been some confusion on some points which i shall clear up now.
first off, i am going nowhere. I am happy and healthy and there is no reason for me to be anywhere has been clearly illustrated to me of late, there has been some concern for my well being.This concern would be greatly appreciated if there were any reason at all for it. There is how ever NONE. I would like to take the time here to make one point very clear.Those people i know who wish to come visit lawrence and hangout will be more than welcome, those of you who come to "check up on me" will be sent back to wherever you came from as soon as you arrive. period.i dont care i you traveled five or fifteen hundred miles.
second for those of you dont think, or feel, or believe me when i tell you that i'm happier than i've ever been in my life. Try to talking to me sometime when your heads havent been filled with complete bs.if i sound unhappy it is only because i am tired of people interfering in my life who all think that THEY know what is better for me or will make me happier. If i am annoyed it is because i know there are many people out there that would like to see my relationship fail because they dissaprove of the other person in it. if i sound unhappy it is because i know there are people out there spreading lies about the man i am in love with, trying to do whatever they can to destroy his reputation and our relationship. If i sound unhappy it is not because of the of the relationship itself, but those who wish to ruin it.
to my parents. I want you to know that you know the more you keep interfering in my life and the relationship i am choosing to be in, the more you push me away. i want you to stop spreading lies, stop calling people, stop sending people to "check up on me" stop making things so difficult. I have let this go on far too long with out saying anything and taking a stand trying to keep everyone happy. I am asking you to stop and let ME BE HAPPY. so long as you choose to interfere in my relationship and spread lies. i will have nothing to do with you whatesoever. no phone calls, letters, or emails until you start acting like adults and apologize.
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