Mar 05, 2007 11:09
I don't know where to start. I'll start with where I spend most of my time. Work.
A day time position just opened in the meat department--and I took it. My boss, Mike approached me about it and asked what I wanted to do. After weighing the pros and cons, I've decided to stay. It's a full time position, with day time hours, and one or two nights closing a week. I can't turn it down. At cafe, I'd be a closer again--which would mean I still wouldn't be getting home to Rick and our puppy until 10:30 or later. With days, I can make it home in time for dinner and some nice evenings with Rick and our puppy.
That new position begins in less than two weeks. Everyone else in the department is happy, too--no one wanted to see me go.
On a sadder note, the woman who held more inspiration for me in my life than any other, died on February 28th. Paula was absolutely amazing--she was riddled with rheumatoid arthritis from the time she was 19. She had to stop working at 34 years old, but she did things that some people only dream about. I will really, really miss her. Whenever I felt like I couldn't do something, I'd think of the things that she did and try even harder. Her service is coming up, and I'll be damned if I don't make it.
More news. I've finally decided that I need to find an exercise routine and stick with it. I've lost pretty much all the weight that I want to lose, so now, I want to build up my strength and tone up a bit. I got a jump rope yesterday, and some little hand strengthening things (at the dollar store, so if they end up NOT getting used, I won't be too depressed).
This is the first winter where I haven't gone up a size or gained more than 10 pounds--at least high school. I'm hovering steadily between 138 and 143 pounds.
I have the feeling that my motivation to get up and get moving this morning is going to kick me in the ass later--I went ballistic with exercising when I should have started out moderately. Oh well. Live and learn, eh?
My birthday is in a week. 24.
Rick and I doing all right. We have both reached a point where we don't feel like doing anything, really. Between each other's jobs and lack of motivation when we get home--it's really sad. We had our biggest fight yet the other night--over stupid shit, but we were screaming, yelling, and swearing at each other. It was bad.
We worked through it after calming down in separate rooms of the house for a bit. It was a stupid fight, but at least we talked it out.
Things are good, though. I love him. I'm not going anywhere. People fight. People can scare each other and scream at each other. But, I'm sticking around ^_^ We've got each other to take care of and a spoiled puppy to take care of. We can't just leave.
Meh. That's what's going on.