Oxytocin is a very dangerous drug.
No, not oxycontin, the "hillbilly heroin".
Oxytocin is the drug that among other names has been called
"the cuddle drug"., and the love hormone. If you know anything about life, you know that love is the most dangerous and addictive thing on Earth.
I started reading up on this after seeing a reference to the effects of Oxitocin in monogamous relationships in an article about the
possible classification of normal male sexuality as a pathological psychiatric condition.
The whole subject has been fascinating to say the least. Especially the fact that it is naturally produced in females through stimulation of nipples with suction, and uterus and cervix during intercourse...:)
The Wiki article explaining the basics
Junkies raving about their drug of choice Sure, it sounds like I'm kidding about the potential for abuse...but think about it. It helps with orgasms, forming bonds in interpersonal relationships, stress, and mental health.
If love was available as an injection, there would be lonely people shooting up all over the world....
Well,guess what.
it IS available as an injection.
You know it's just a matter of time till the information is out there....and then the epidemic of abuse is inevitable