
May 13, 2009 19:00

Call me an obtuse bore, but if I am going to be refused something, or am never going to get something, I prefer to be told straight out..

It's so much more offensive and painful to operate under a delusion,being strung along,  and then get a "Sucker! You fell for it!" laugh of mockery in the end.

When the ban on publication of candid and graphic photos was lifted back in February, it seemed like at least a little of the open debate about US involvement in the Middle East could begin to take place in earnest.

Well..."Sucker! You fell for it!" Yeah, I got yer civil liberties right here.!"

Where's the outrage and loss of illusions? Why am I not hearing any of the disappointed voters ?
C'mon, you know how it goes:

Mommy, why did the bad man lie to us?

links, political, rant

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