не. Такого повального живоглотства со мной теперь уже не происходит.
Года три назад, когда только попал на Нонэйм и суслик, я действительно качал все что попадалось под руку и забил полностью 120 гигов за две недели. Теперь сначала думаю "а надо ли мне это?".
первый компьютер который купили родители был вообще чуть ли не керосиновый.
На него DOS надо было загружать с дискет...чтоб я так жил если помню больше 10% досовских комманд.
Вообще технологические воспоминания у меня с допотопных времен. Телевизоры без пультов управления, телефоны с вертушкой, аудиокассетыб модемы со скоростью 56к. жуть!
93, I thought about buying either an internal or external 1TB hard drive, but changed my mind when I heard a 10TB hard drive wood b out by the end ov the year. Joy. 93 93/93
I doubt we will see a single drive 10TB product by the end of the year. The current largest platter size is 500GB and that just came out a few months ago. WD is putting them in 2TB drives right now. As with anything new they are much pricier then most of the older stuff. The new 2TB ones are going for about $300
( ... )
better around the cornerammutbiteMarch 26 2009, 02:37:09 UTC
that's pretty much my line of thought.
I primarily choose "useful & affordable" in deciding on purchases, rather than "state-of-the-art & desirable", and untill/unless a lottery win supplies me with endless money, that's how it's going to stay
well, let's be honest here, you have a lot of things I don't- a wife, a house, and a way bigger salary....:)
I actualy have 3 or 4 200 Gb drives that i've gathered over the years, but I wanted to have my ever growing music collection in one location, instead of scattered across multiple ones
Definitely hear ya about putting things in one place (though based on experience, I'd say get a second one right away for backup purposes - if one 200 GB fails, well it sucks, but you still got three more left, if one 1TB fails, you are screwed)...
Oh and I was not boasting by any means, it's a fucking curse, the more stuff I download, the more I stuff I want to download and since nowadays HDs are fairly cheap and bandwidth is fairly fast.....
Comments 28
Такого повального живоглотства со мной теперь уже не происходит.
Года три назад, когда только попал на Нонэйм и суслик, я действительно качал все что попадалось под руку и забил полностью 120 гигов за две недели.
Теперь сначала думаю "а надо ли мне это?".
На него DOS надо было загружать с дискет...чтоб я так жил если помню больше 10% досовских комманд.
Вообще технологические воспоминания у меня с допотопных времен.
Телевизоры без пультов управления, телефоны с вертушкой, аудиокассетыб модемы со скоростью 56к.
Довольно смешно что их за 200 долларов все еще продают на ебее
I have to admit, the deciding factor for me this time was-$$.
The next computer I get, though, I'll definitely get one of those.
I primarily choose "useful & affordable" in deciding on purchases, rather than "state-of-the-art & desirable", and untill/unless a lottery win supplies me with endless money, that's how it's going to stay
я пишу только по английски, но говорить можно на любом.
I gots like 6 of those.... *sigh*
a wife, a house, and a way bigger salary....:)
I actualy have 3 or 4 200 Gb drives that i've gathered over the years, but I wanted to have my ever growing music collection in one location, instead of scattered across multiple ones
Definitely hear ya about putting things in one place (though based on experience, I'd say get a second one right away for backup purposes - if one 200 GB fails, well it sucks, but you still got three more left, if one 1TB fails, you are screwed)...
Oh and I was not boasting by any means, it's a fucking curse, the more stuff I download, the more I stuff I want to download and since nowadays HDs are fairly cheap and bandwidth is fairly fast.....
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